Past events
Past events
Fully-matching results
Assessing the potential of engineered microbial communities to reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils Jul 2023: Proof-of-concept funding has been secured from the 'DAF-UQ Zero Net Emission Grand Challenge' scheme to collect a diverse range of soils (representing a range of soil characteristics, i.e., pH, texture, organic matter content, nutrient availability
- region2:
- All Qld Subregions
- region3:
- Qld
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Queensland
- cropName:
- Not Crop Specific
- projectOutcomes:
- By April 2025, the grains industry has knowledge of key microbial strains and communities driving N2O emissions in soils representative of the Northern grains region and the potential for soil microbiome engineering to reduce N2O emissions is
- contractSupervisor:
- Chelsea Janke
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 1 Non-NGN
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/04/2025
- cropType:
- Not Crop Specific
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOQ2307-004RTX
Improving industry response to white grain disorder and fusarium head blight outbreaks while protecting export markets (SAGIT UAD 03023) Jul 2023: This investment will develop an early warning system that will indicate when seasonal growing conditions are favourable for development of White Grain Disorder and Fusarium Head Blight, also referred to as Head Scab, allowing industry to implement
- region2:
- All Southern Subregions
- region3:
- All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas)
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The South Australian Grain Industry Fund
- cropName:
- Wheat, Barley, Oats
- projectOutcomes:
- By September 2025, reduce the rejection and downgrading of grain delivered to silos through improved industry preparedness and identification and rapid diagnostics for white grain and fusarium head blight.
- contractSupervisor:
- Malcolm Buckby
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><p style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px; color:#000000; font-family:&quot;Times New
- projectPathway:
- 1 Non-NGN
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- South
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/09/2025
- cropType:
- Cereal, Cereal, Cereal
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- SAG2307-001FAX
Economic impact of Root Lesion Nematodes in mungbean Jul 2023: This project aims to identify the genetic tolerance of various mungbean varieties to root lesion nematodes (RLNs) in order to inform management decisions and provide economic impact data to the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and
- region2:
- All Qld Subregions
- region3:
- Qld
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- University of Southern Queensland
- cropName:
- Mungbeans
- projectOutcomes:
- By June 2025, reliable information on the tolerance and resistance of mungbean genotypes to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei and its economic impact on the mungbean industry will be available to growers/advisers, plant breeders and GRDC.
- contractSupervisor:
- Jason Sheedy
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 1 Non-NGN
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/09/2025
- cropType:
- Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- USQ2307-001SAX
GRS (Chrisbin James) Virtual Agricultural Imaging and Sensing through Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Jul 2023: Phenotyping grain count (and grain count per panicle) in sorghum has been traditionally performed via threshing. Grain count is a trait that is highly correlated with grain yield and, additionally, grain count per panicle is also associated with
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Queensland
- cropName:
- Not Crop Specific
- contractSupervisor:
- Scott Chapman
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:9pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"
- projectPathway:
- 3
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 31/12/2025
- cropType:
- Not Crop Specific
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOQ2306-005RSX
GRS (Sreshtha Malik) Beyond glyphosate: Targeting unexplored aromatic amino acid biosynthesis enzymes in the search for new herbicides Jul 2023: f776f3a3-2071-ed11-b82f-0050569735c6 E2 E2 Capacity & ability 9179865 Capacity & ability Include.
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Adelaide
- cropName:
- Not Crop Specific
- contractSupervisor:
- AGRS team University of Adelaide
- projectPathway:
- 3
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 31/03/2026
- cropType:
- Not Crop Specific
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOA2306-015RSX
Outsmarting fungal pathogens by preventing host recognition Jul 2023: Spores of fungal pathogens sense their immediate environment land to determine optimal conditions for germination. When a spore lands on the leaf surface, they detect components of crop leaf waxes and are triggered to germinate and initiate infection
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Adelaide
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2026, researchers will understand the key components of crop leaf waxes that trigger the establishment of foliar fungal diseases in cereals, oilseeds and pulse crops, laying the foundation for the development of novel fungal control strategies.
- contractSupervisor:
- Bryan Coad
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><div><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 1 Non-NGN
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2026
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOA2307-001RTX
NGN - Understanding herbicide behaviour workshops Jul 2023: Weeds are one of the largest costs to grain producers. Cost is directly incurred through the implementation of weed control tactics and practices, with opportunity cost occurring via yield loss and/or a delay in maturity due to crop competition and
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- By July 2026, 70% of advisors in the southern, western and northern regions are using specialist information to make informed decisions about optimal herbicide use and mitigate crop damage from herbicide carryover.
- contractSupervisor:
- Mark Congreve
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:9pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"
- projectPathway:
- 1 NGN
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2026
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- ICN2307-001SAX
Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) - Phase 3 Jul 2023: This is GRDC's contribution to the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative. This is an Initiative which is a partnership between the nation's plant Research and Development Corporations (RDCs), working collaboratively with Plant Health Australia (PHA
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- PBRI is expected to contribute to:* improved efficiencies in Plant Biosecurity RD&E investment and delivery* a united Plant Biosecurity RD&E system, bringing together plant industries and Government on determining research priorities for
- contractSupervisor:
- Jo Luck
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><p>This is GRDC's contribution to the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative. This is an Initiative
- projectPathway:
- 4
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2026
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- HIA2307-001OPX
Effective virus management in grain crops (C3) Jul 2023: Insects lack the ability to synthesise sterols that are essential for their cellular structure and hormone synthesis. As such, insects require a dietary source of sterol and herbivorous pests, such as aphids, rely on sterols from plants. However,
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- University of Western Australia
- cropName:
- Barley, Wheat, Chickpeas, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Canola/Rapeseed
- projectOutcomes:
- By December 2027, growers will have an increased awareness of the impact of virus diseases, leading to an increased profitability of at least 1% through the adoption of virus resistant varieties and implementation of virus and insect vector
- contractSupervisor:
- Jacqueline Batley
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div>Insects lack the ability to synthesise sterols that are essential for their cellular structure
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 29/06/2027
- cropType:
- Cereal, Cereal, Legume, Legume, Legume, Legume, Oilseed
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UWA2307-001RTX
Dissecting the molecular basis of disease and resistance to Septoria tritici blotch Jul 2023: Septoria tritici blotch (STB) is a devastating disease of wheat caused by the pathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. The disease is particularly prevalent in high rainfall zones and is capable of inflicting significant yield losses in the absence
- region2:
- South West NSW, South East NSW, All Southern Subregions
- region3:
- NSW, NSW, All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas)
- Date:
- 01/07/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Australian National University
- cropName:
- Wheat
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2026, Australian breeders and the international research community are better prepared to address STB through knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance, secreted protein targets in wheat and the possible differences that regulate disease in the
- contractSupervisor:
- Peter Solomon
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:12pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, North, South
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2027
- cropType:
- Cereal
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- ANU2307-001RTX