Long coleoptile – Going to great depths to avoid rhizoctonia

Long coleoptile – Going to great depths to avoid rhizoctonia

Host: | Date: 17 Jul 2024

More about this podcast

New research insights suggest that deep sown long coleoptile wheat (LCW) varieties is an effective way to avoid rhizoctonia infection.

It’s one of the many added benefits of LCW emerging as part of a $12.7 million GRDC investment to provide growers with the knowledge and tools to integrate LCW into their farming systems once the genetics become commercially available.

In this podcast we hear all about the rhizoctonia research from two project participants, Dr Jonathan Anderson and Michael Lamond. This four-year long coleoptile wheat project, made possible with GRDC investment, is being led by CSIRO along with research partners including the University of Melbourne, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, SLR Agriculture, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, the University of South Australia, and EPAG research.

Download the transcript for this episode


Dr Jonathan Anderson

Michael Lamond
SLR Agriculture

More information

GroundCover – GRDC announces $12.7M project for long coleoptile wheat

Investment – Integrating long coleoptile wheat into Australian farming systems through an integrated understanding of genetics, management and environment

GRDC Project Code: CSP2212-007RTX,