Nail the Snails! More effective control of pest snails in Australian grain crops

Nail the Snails! More effective control of pest snails in Australian grain crops

Host: | Date: 05 Jul 2023

More about this podcast

Dr Kym Perry from SARDI discusses all things snails including how they got to Australia and have spread across the whole country. He also discusses the new GRDC investment looking at monitoring techniques, biological control and a multifaceted approach to dealing with the widespread problem affecting the grains industry.
Download the transcript for this episode


Dr Kym Perry
SARDI Entomology
Project leader

More Information

Groundcover Article – Multifaceted approach to combat snails in grain crops 

GRDC Publications – Nail the Snails! (New)

GRDC Publications – Burn’Em, Bash’Em, Bait’Em

GRDC Project Code: UOA2205-005RTX,