Nutrition in the West – Yield response to P fertiliser (1/4)

Nutrition in the West – Yield response to P fertiliser (1/4)

Host: | Date: 24 Mar 2023

More about this podcast

Welcome to the first podcast in our new limited series focusing on Nutrition in the West. Each Friday for the next four weeks, we’ll release an additional GRDC podcast covering nutrition topics specifically for Western Australia, as growers gear up for seeding 2023.

The knowledge used to guide phosphorus management in WA agriculture has its origins in field research from 20 to 60 years ago. This long term private-public partnership study, part of a large crop nutrition project, helps provide up-to-date guidelines by revealing the key influences of wheat response to P fertiliser in current cropping systems.

We caught up with Senior Research Scientist Craig Scanlon from WA’s Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development about what’s driving and influencing yield response to phosphorous fertiliser in current cropping systems – which importantly – now includes climate - in the equation.


Craig Scanlan, Senior Research Scientist – DPIRD

More Information

Optimising fertiliser application – what level of precision can we achieve?

GRDC Project Code: UMU1801-006RTX,