2022 Farm Gross Margin and Enterprise Planning Guide

Published: 27 Jan 2022

The South Australian Grains Industry Trust (SAGIT), in association with the South Australian Sheep Industry Fund (SIF), Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation are pleased to produce this annual publication on expected Gross Margins for broadacre cropping and livestock enterprises in South Australia.

The guide incorporates the latest information on input and output pricing to give estimates of the relative profitability of different farm enterprises, as an aid to decision making in enterprise selection. SAGIT, PIRSA, Livestock SA and GRDC hope this guide acts as a valuable aid in your decision making for the coming season and beyond.

Interactive gross margin guide

These excel spreadsheets contain an interactive version of the Farm Gross Margin Guide publication below.

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Region: South

ISSN: 2207-2349 (print)

ISSN: 2207-2357 (Online)