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Crop Sowing Guide
South Australian Crop Sowing Guide
08.11.2024Find the latest information on current varieties of the major winter crops suitable for growing in South Australia to help growers choose the best variety for their situation.
Region: South
Paddock Practices
Paddock Practices: Start managing 2025 disease risks now
08.11.2024Warm conditions and variable rainfall across Western Australia have contributed to mixed levels of fungal disease severity this season.
Region: West
GRDC Grower Survey
31.10.2024The GRDC Grower Survey helps us to improve how we deliver on our purpose of investing in RD&E to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers.
Region: National
Fungicide-resistant wheat powdery mildew
22.10.2024Wheat powdery mildew is widespread across the southern region and it’s becoming more fungicide resistant. This fact sheet helps growers identify, reduce and manage the disease to maintain fungicide effectiveness.
Region: South
Recruiting and inducting employees
21.10.2024This fact sheet is for growers and farm businesses employing staff for the first time. It explains how to set up a good employer/employee relationship during recruitment and induction.
Region: National
Farm Business Models
08.10.2024GRDC GrowNotes™ Farm Business Models was first published in 2017 to provide valuable information on relevant and comprehensive farm business management models to growers, their business partners and f
Region: National
GRDC standard nozzle selection guides
08.10.2024Nozzles affect spray quality and spraying efficiency. GRDC has two Standard Nozzle Selection Guides for standard boom sprays to help select the best nozzle for the task: for 50cm nozzle spacing and fo
Region: National
Tackling amelioration on variable soil types
03.10.2024Soil constraints are estimated to cost Australian growers more than $1 billion each year in wheat alone (Orton et al. 2018). Done properly, ameliorating soils boosts yield and profit.
Region: National
Blackleg Management Guide
17.09.2024The 'Blackleg management guide - spring 2024 update' aims to provide the most updated information to help growers and advisers manage canola crops to reduce blackleg infection.
Region: National
Hay and silage
13.09.2024Hay and silage can be made from failed crops as an alternative income source and can be profitable. This facts sheet will help growers decide whether to cut a crop for hay or not.
Region: National