Lentil Western Region - GrowNotes™

Published: 1 Nov 2017

In Australia, lentil is predominantly grown in the semi-arid regions of South Australia and Victoria. Small areas of lentil are now being grown in southern New South Wales and Western Australia. Australia is a significant producer of red lentil, however the area in planted to green lentil is gradually increasing, as are the speciality types. Lentil fits well into cereal-based cropping systems.

Key points

  • Lentil usually commands a premium price compared to other pulse crops.
  • Lentil fits well into cereal-based cropping systems.
  • Lentil is mostly used for human consumption.
  • Canada is the largest producer of lentil in the world.
  • In Australia, lentil is predominantly grown in the semi-arid regions of South Australia and Victoria.
  • Small areas of lentil are now being grown in southern New South Wales (and also Western Australia).
  • Australia is a significant producer of red lentil.
  • The area in Australia planted to green lentil is gradually increasing, as are
    the speciality types.

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    Region: West