Adult Plant Resistance Fact Sheet

Adult Plant Resistance Fact Sheet

Published: 2 Nov 2012

An image of the Adult Plant Resistance Fact Sheet

Adult plant resistance is a useful trait to consider in variety selection, especially for rust resistance. Understanding how it works can make fungicide application decisions easier.

  • Adult plant resistance (APR) to cereal fungal diseases provides protection in a crop’s post-seedling stages (typically between tillering and booting, GS20-GS49).
  • Seedling resistance, by comparison, is effective at all growth stages.
  • APR can complement a fungicide strategy by protecting, from rust, those parts of the plant most responsible for yield.
  • When selecting a variety, ensure that varieties rated MRMS (the minimum disease resistance standard) or better are chosen. In high-risk regions, varieties rated MR or better are recommended.
  • Where more susceptible varieties are used, ensure a suitable fungicide strategy is in place and with the right chemicals available at short notice.
  • Fungicides are better at protecting than curing. Fungicide applications on badly infected crops provide poorer control and do not restore lost green leaf area.

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