RD&E capacity and ability

RD&E capacity and ability

We invest in grains research, development and extension (RD&E) capacity and ability (C&A) activities to ensure we have continued access to the people, infrastructure and pathways that enable us to deliver on our purpose.

Our contribution to building and maintaining the necessary C&A for world class grains RD&E is a combination of targeted activities and indirect investment.

Our current activities

A selection of our current activities include:

Attract and foster the talent required to conduct and drive world-class grains RD&E. This includes the:

Support thought leadership and pathways to innovate, translate and adopt. This includes the:

Facilitate access to critical infrastructure and technologies required to deliver grains R&D. This includes the:

  • ARC Research Hub for Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Australian Grains Gene Banks (AGG) Capacity and Capability Enhancement.