Before applying
Before applying for a GRDC tender opportunity, prospective tenderers are encouraged to read the following information.
Request for Tender (RFT)
All applications for tenders (submitted via the Grains Investment Portal) must comply with these terms and conditions.
Download the GRDC Request for Tender (RFT) Terms and Conditions.
All applications for event sponsorship, study tours, scholarships and awards (submitted via the Grains Investment Portal) must comply with these terms and conditions.
Download the GRDC Awards Terms and Conditions.
The following are mandatory conditions with which a tenderer must comply to participate in this procurement process:
- The tenderer must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners; (or where applicable; open to receiving tenders from Consortia) The tenderer must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners except where the tender is submitted by a consortium and the tender specifies that each member of the proposed consortium will be party to the contract;
- The tenderer and any proposed subcontractor must be compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and any other applicable labour laws and standards in the jurisdiction in which they operate;
- The tenderer and any subcontractor must not have a judicial decision against it (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not paid the claim;
- The tenderer and any subcontractor must not be named on the Consolidated List, being the list of persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans under Australian sanction laws, as maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
Where a procurement activity is valued above $4 million (GST inclusive):
- In accordance with the Shadow Economy Procurement Connected Policy, a tenderer must include a satisfactory and valid Statement of Tax Records (STR). If the total value of all work under any proposed subcontract is expected to be equal to or above $4 million (inclusive of GST), also include a separate satisfactory and valid STR of that proposed subcontractor.
GRDC reserves the right to include additional conditions for participation dependent on the nature of the procurement requirements, these will be outlined in each tender opportunity.
Prior to contract execution the GRDC Research Contract requires tenderers to comply with and complete the:
Visit the Application resources page for more information.
Industry briefing
In some circumstances, an Industry briefing may be scheduled to provide background information only for prospective tenderers. This is likely to occur when GRDC requests an Expression of Interest (EOI) prior to a request for tender.
When applying for an available tender opportunity, you are encouraged to read the following information to assist in your application.
There are mandatory content and format requirements the tenderer must complete and provide to participate in this procurement process:
- Submit tenders using the Grains Investment Portal, applications must be submitted before the closing date and time. To access the portal, you must first register as a user.
- Write tenders in English and express any measurements in Australian legal units of measurement.
- Budget details must be submitted on the ‘GRDC Budget Template’ provided in the Grains Investment Portal.
All applications must be submitted via the Grains Investment Portal. To access the portal, you must first register as a user.
The Grains Investment Portal is also a tool:
- to learn about open tenders (in addition to this website)
- for successful tenderers to submit milestone reports and invoices.
To receive notification of new tender opportunities, subscribe to GRDC communications under ‘Request for tenders.’
If a tenderer does not intend to fully comply with the any clause of the draft contract, they must state its non-compliances in the Statement of Compliance in the Grains Investment Portal, or otherwise specified on the Cover Page.
A tender will be deemed to be fully compliant with any clause not listed on the Statement of Compliance.
Tenderers can submit questions they have about a tender opportunity prior to the enquiry deadline.
The question along with the response will be published on the GRDC website under the tender opportunity. All questions must be submitted to the email address listed under the ‘document contact and enquiries’ section of the opportunity.
GRDC will endeavour to publish the questions and answers within 72 hours of receipt of the enquiry. Requests for clarification or further information via phone calls will not be accepted.
After applying
Once the tender opportunity has closed, we will screen and evaluate applications. Once a preferred tenderer has been identified, we will inform applicants of the outcome of the tender.
We anticipate a decision will be made within 30-40 days of the opportunities closing date. We will notify you in writing as to whether your application has been successful or unsuccessful.
Applicant de-brief
You can request a de-briefing about your application against the evaluation criteria. A de-briefing will only occur if an unsuccessful tenderer requests it.
A de-briefing will occur once the successful tenderer has been awarded the contract (this may take up to 90 days post tender close date).
Preferred (successful) tenderers should be familiar with the individual contract requirements available on the Application Resources page.
Some requirements include the:
- RD&E Data Management Plan
- IPPO Register
- Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).