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Update Paper
Water use and water use efficiency in chickpea during key stages of …
05.03.2025Paper presented by Fernanda Dreccer from CSIRO at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Goondiwindi on water use and water use efficiency in chickpea during key stages of yield formation.
Region: North
Update Paper
Breeding and growing chickpeas for market quality – preparing for…
05.03.2025Paper presented by Sally Buck from CSIRO at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Goondiwindi on breeding and growing chickpeas for market quality – preparing for shifts in market demand, the influence of genetics and growing environment on grain
Region: North
Update Paper
Integrated management of Phalaris paradoxa in wheat and chickpea
04.03.2025Paper presented by Bhagirath Chauhan from the University of Queensland at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Goondiwindi on integrated management of Phalaris/paradoxa grass (Phalaris paradoxa) in wheat and chickpea.
Region: North
Update Paper
100-day wheats - what traits, varieties and agronomy are best…
28.02.2025Paper presented by Timothy Green from Charles Sturt University at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Dubbo on 100-day wheats - what traits, varieties and agronomy are best suited to optimise yield at later sowing timings and can we design a varietal
Region: North
Update Paper
Trends in pesticide application in Canada
28.02.2025Paper presented by Tom Wolf from Agrimetrix Research & Training at the GRDC Grains Research Updates in Dubbo, Goondiwindi and Pallamallawa on trends in pesticide application in Canada.
Region: North
Update Paper
Effects of elevated temperature stress on grain filling in wheat
28.02.2025Paper presented by Mitchell Clifton at the GRDC Grains Research Updates in Dubbo and Goondiwindi on the effects of elevated temperature stress on grain-filling in wheat.
Region: North
Update Paper
Phosphorus budgeting for grain production systems and improving…
28.02.2025Paper presented by Maryam Barati from Southern Cross University / Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils at the GRDC Grains Research Updates in Dubbo and Goondiwindi on phosphorus budgeting for grain production systems and improving
Region: North
Update Paper
Incidence and impact of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola and chickpea …
28.02.2025Paper presented by Kurt Lindbeck from NSW DPIRD at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Dubbo on the incidence and impact of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola and chickpea from double break strategies.
Region: North
Update Paper
South-western Victorian climate drivers - what, when and where
27.02.2025The 2024 start to the season was challenging for growers in south-west Victoria, not helped by consistent predictions of a wetter spring that failed to occur.
Region: South
Update Paper
The nutritional value of manures and other organic phosphorus…
27.02.2025Paper presented by Tim McLaren at the GRDC Grains Research Updates in Dubbo and Goondiwindi on the nutritional value of manures and other organic phosphorus sources and uptake over time.
Region: North