NVT Harvest Reports

NVT Harvest Reports

The National Variety Trials (NVT) program aims to assist Australian grain growers and advisors in varietal decision making by providing the latest independent information on yield, quality and disease ratings.

The Harvest Reports come from the NVT program as soon as possible after the results are released. As part of the program, we produce 16 Harvest Reports for each of our three key regions in Australia.

The reports are designed to complement our Sowing Guides which are published prior to harvest.

Each report contains the last five years of results for every NVT trial across Australia. The trials result information is presented at the local site level to support growers in making varietal decisions for their region.

Regional NVT Harvest Reports

Northern region

Central Queensland Central Queensland GRDC2024_HR_Central_QLD_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Central Queensland
Southern Queensland Southern Queensland GRDC2024_HR_Southern-QLD_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Southern Queensland
Northern New South Wales Northern New South Wales GRDC2024_HR_Northern_NSW_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Northern New South Wales
Southern New South Wales Southern New South Wales GRDC2024_HR_Southern_NSW_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest Report Southern New South Wales
Central New South Wales Central New South Wales GRDC2024_HR_Central_NSW_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Central New South Wales

Southern region

Central South Australia Central South Australia GRDC2024_HR_Central_SA_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Central South Australia
Eyre Peninsula Eyre Peninsula GRDC2024_HR_Eyre-Peninsula_SA_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Eyre Peninsula
Mallee South Australia and Victoria Mallee South Australia and Victoria GRDC2024_HR_Mallee_SA_VIC_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Mallee South Australia and Victoria
Northern Victoria Northern Victoria GRDC2024_HR_Northern_VIC_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Northern Victoria
High rainfall South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania High rainfall South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania GRDC2024_HR_HRZ_SA_VIC_TAS_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report high rainfall South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania
Wimmera and Upper South-East South Australia Wimmera and Upper South-East South Australia GRDC2024_HR_Wimmera_UpperSE_SA_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Wimmera and Upper South-East South Australia

Western region

Albany Albany GRDC2024_HR_Albany_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Albany
Esperance Esperance GRDC2024_HR_Esperance_WA_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Esperance
Kwinana East Kwinana East GRDC2024_HR_Kwinana_East_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Kwinana East
Geraldton Geraldton GRDC2024_HR_Geraldton_WA_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Geraldton
Kwinana West Kwinana West GRDC2024_HR_Kwinana_West_web-v2.pdf
NVT Harvest report Kwinana West


Sorghum report 2023 SorghumReport-2304_final.pdf
2023 NVT Sorghum Harvest Report