National Grower Network investments

GRDC's National Grower Network (NGN) refers to the community of growers and grains industry stakeholders across Australia’s growing regions who GRDC engages directly with to assist in developing locally relevant research development and extension (RD&E) investments.

Investment list

Results found: 92
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MGP2504-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Demonstrating effective fungicide resistance management strategies for Blackleg in canola of Eyre Peninsula
    1 NGN

    Blackleg is a devastating disease of canola and is an ongoing threat as the fungal populations continually evolve to overcome genetic resistance and fungicides. This evolution is driven by intensive farm practices, including short crop rotations and increased fungicide use. In 2024, surveillance ...

    Project start date: 01/04/2025 - Project end date: 29/04/2027

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    Marcroft Grains Pathology Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ICN2503-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Integrated Disease Management and Disease Identification Workshops Northern Region
    1 NGN

    Disease can pose a significant constraint on crop yield due to misdiagnosis and inappropriate disease response. Effective disease management strategies require accurately identifying the disease through visual symptoms or laboratory diagnosis; however, misdiagnosis of disease is common due to sym...

    Project start date: 10/03/2025 - Project end date: 15/06/2027

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UNF2411-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Demonstrations of residual summer weed control for the Mid and Upper North, South Australia
    1 NGN

    NGN forums in the Mid and Upper North highlighted summer weed control costs as an important area of concern. Summer weed control can be costly, with some growers reporting three to four passes in order to conserve moisture and nutrients for the following season. This investment will assist grower...

    Project start date: 01/11/2024 - Project end date: 29/05/2026

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    Upper North Farming Systems
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UOQ2404-013SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Development of management strategies for controlling Phalaris in Northern NSW and Southern QLD
    1 NGN

    Phalaris is a winter annual grass which was ranked as the 9th most prevalent weed in the Northern region in 2016. The current impact of this weed is likely much greater, as in recent years Phalaris has increasingly become a problem weed in the Northern region.The lack of control options was raise...

    Project start date: 01/04/2024 - Project end date: 31/03/2026

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    The University of Queensland
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: WMG2404-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Soil water repellence in sand, sandy duplex and gravel soils in the Geraldton and Kwinana West region
    1 NGN

    Growers in the Kwinana West and Geraldton port zones are seeing non-wetting soils becoming an increasing issue over larger areas of paddocks and soil types. With increasing land values growers are asking whether they should reconsider amelioration tactics and different ameliorants to manage this...

    Project start date: 01/04/2024 - Project end date: 30/04/2027

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    West Midlands Group
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FGI2403-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Evaluating deep sowing of Oats in WA production systems
    1 NGN

    There has been a trend for increasing summer rain and later autumn sowing breaks throughout the WA wheatbelt. Potential utilisation of soil moisture stored below conventional sowing depths, potentially give growers the opportunity to increase yield while mitigating abiotic risk. Oat seedlings e...

    Project start date: 11/03/2024 - Project end date: 15/05/2027

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    Facey Group Inc.
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: GOA2404-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Economic returns from managing sclerotinia in medium rainfall landscapes - an applied agronomy approach
    1 NGN

    National Grower Network forums at Narromine, Temora and Howlong identified that growers are interested in better understanding the economics of sclerotinia control in canola in medium rainfall settings. Growers in medium rainfall zones of southern and central NSW have often adopted fungicide cont...

    Project start date: 11/03/2024 - Project end date: 29/06/2027

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    Grain Orana Alliance Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LIV2403-004SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Investigating impact sowing rate on barley grain quality and WUE in the Geraldton port zone.
    1 NGN

    Growers in the Morawa district have been looking for options to diversify their cropping rotations to manage weeds, pests and diseases while maintaining profitability. Barely has been considered as one option however quality issues and achieving malt grade have been key barriers, targeting feed ...

    Project start date: 01/03/2024 - Project end date: 31/03/2027

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    Living Farm Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ULA2402-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Gazanias incidence and impact on grain cropping in the Southern region.
    1 NGN

    Gazanias are an increasingly difficult to control weed in grain production paddocks of the Mallee, Riverland and Wimmera regions of Victoria and South Australia. Gazanias were raised as an emerging difficult to control weed at the 2023 Loxton, Bowhill and Langhorne Creek National Grower Network f...

    Project start date: 29/02/2024 - Project end date: 31/08/2026

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    La Trobe University
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: PSC2401-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Very early season annual ryegrass on lower Eyre Peninsula: interactions between physiology, herbicide resistance and efficacy
    1 NGN

    NGN - Very early season annual ryegrass on lower Eyre Peninsula: interactions between physiology, herbicide resistance and efficacyThis project aims to address the significant issue of annual ryegrass control for growers on the lower Eyre Peninsula. Specifically, it focuses on the challenge posed...

    Project start date: 01/01/2024 - Project end date: 01/05/2026

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    Plant Science Consulting P/L
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2311-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN- Snails surveillance project for the South Coast of Western Australia
    1 NGN

    The purpose of this investment is to:1) Upskill growers and advisers on the south coast of WA on the biology and ecology of pest snails to determine optimal baiting timing2) Value-add to the existing UOA2205-005RTX- More effective control of pest snails in Australian grain crops by providing addi...

    Project start date: 27/11/2023 - Project end date: 10/11/2025

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MSF2310-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Demonstration of summer fallow weed management strategies to reduce input costs in soils of the Wentworth region
    1 NGN

    Summer fallow weeds cause large grain yield reductions in the following winter crop as they deplete soil water and nitrogen in the fallow phase, therefore limiting availability to crops. Additionally, fallow weeds can act as a 'green bridge', increasing the risk of various diseases such a...

    Project start date: 30/10/2023 - Project end date: 27/11/2026

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    Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2308-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Evaluating new pigeonpea genetics in south west Qld
    1 NGN

    The northern grains industry seeks a robust summer pulse that is easier to manage and more adaptable than current options, particularly for the drier and hotter regions of south-west Qld and north-west NSW. In these more variable climates mungbeans and soybean are not viable options, nor is dryl...

    Project start date: 18/10/2023 - Project end date: 31/10/2025

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: WSP2309-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Identifying agronomic best practices for pigeonpea in south west Qld
    1 NGN

    The northern grains industry seeks a robust summer pulse that is easier to manage and more adaptable than current options, particularly for the drier and hotter regions of south-west QLD and north-west NSW. In these more variable climates, mungbeans and soybean are not viable options, nor is dry...

    Project start date: 13/10/2023 - Project end date: 30/12/2025

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    Woods Seeds Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SRE2310-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Case studies to explore the economics of new precision weed management technology
    1 NGN

    This project aims to provide grain growers with valuable insights into the integration, costs, advantages, disadvantages, and economic benefits of precision weed management technologies. Through case study publications, podcasts, and video series, growers will share their experiences and lessons ...

    Project start date: 02/10/2023 - Project end date: 27/09/2024

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    Star Economics Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2307-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Understanding the long term residual benefit of deep placed P in south west and central Queensland
    1 NGN

    This project aims to investigate the benefits of deep placement of phosphorus (P) fertiliser in subsoil layers to enhance crop recovery and yield. The research aims to determine the duration of the residual benefit of deep P placement and provide cost-effective implementation strategies for growe...

    Project start date: 25/09/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2026

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: PTA2309-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Spray safe and save workshop
    1 NGN

    NGN Spray Safe and Save WorkshopThis investment aims to address the priority issue of optimising sprayer set up, as identified by attendees at the Wallup NGN Forum. The goal is to improve sprayer efficacy and safety, considering economic, environmental, personal safety, and community trust reason...

    Project start date: 11/09/2023 - Project end date: 30/04/2024

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    Partners in Ag
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: RPI2309-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Scoping the correlation between stubble management for subsurface acidity and Fusarium crown rot in cereal crops of the Riverine Plains.
    1 NGN

    Title: NGN Scoping the correlation between stubble management for subsurface acidity and Fusarium crown rot in cereal crops of the Riverine Plains.This project aims to assess the relationship between stubble management practices and Fusarium Crown Rot in cereal crops in the Riverine Plains region...

    Project start date: 01/09/2023 - Project end date: 31/05/2026

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    Riverine Plains Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: OCR2308-001AWX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Water management and soil amelioration study tour - O'Connor Research Group
    1 NGN

    Title: NGN - Water Management and Soil Amelioration Study TourThe O'Connor Research Group members have identified a need for better understanding and practices related to water management and soil amelioration in the Cunderdin area. To address this, they propose a study tour to regions where ...

    Project start date: 28/08/2023 - Project end date: 22/11/2023

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    O'Connor Research Group Incorporated
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: HAG2308-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN GRDC In conversation podcast series 2023-25
    1 NGN

    This investment will develop Podcast content to extend key research messages to drive grower adoption of research on farm. Each podcast interview will not just examine technical innovations in the grains industry, but the interviewer will explore each expert as a person, their history, influences...

    Project start date: 01/08/2023 - Project end date: 31/07/2025

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    Humans of Agriculture
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MAA2308-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Increased sorghum yield and reliability in South West QLD through optimising crop establishment and fertiliser strategy
    1 NGN

    There is currently a gap between yield potential and achieved yield in sorghum crops in the Southern Qld region which is occurring in part due to uneven crop establishment and lack of adequate nutrition being available to the plant.Rapid and even crop establishment is a foundation for vigorous cr...

    Project start date: 01/08/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2026

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    MCA Agronomy Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DPI2307-003RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Increasing sorghum area in North West NSW through understanding and adoption of early sown sorghum principles
    1 NGN

    This investment aims to address the limited adoption of early sowing strategies in sorghum agronomy by providing growers with valuable information and tools to support on-farm decision-making in sub-regions of North West NSW and South West Qld. The current GRDC funded research (UOQ 1808-001RTX) h...

    Project start date: 05/07/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    [NSW] Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ICN2307-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Understanding herbicide behaviour workshops
    1 NGN

    Weeds are one of the largest costs to grain producers. Cost is directly incurred through the implementation of weed control tactics and practices, with opportunity cost occurring via yield loss and/or a delay in maturity due to crop competition and unrealised farming system profit through reduced...

    Project start date: 01/07/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2026

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: HFS2306-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Spray workshops to optimise application and reduce drift in the Mid-North of SA
    1 NGN

    Attendees at the Hart NGN Forum in July 2022 identified an opportunity for spray workshops to support and encourage growers to adopt best practice spray management, as an industry good function for ensuring ongoing social acceptance, given the proximity to sensitive horticultural crops. Growers r...

    Project start date: 06/06/2023 - Project end date: 31/03/2025

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    Hart Field Site Group Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CUR2305-004SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Management strategies for wheat powdery mildew in southern NSW - Resistance Testing
    1 NGN

    This investment will test for resistance mutations to Group 3 (DMI) and Group 11 (QoI) fungicides in wheat powdery mildew in the Northern region, which has seen resistance shifts in recent years. In partnership with separate procurements, mutations will be profiled over two years in NSW to unders...

    Project start date: 01/05/2023 - Project end date: 31/12/2024

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    Curtin University
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2303-005RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Deep phosphorus: research validation, economic viability and extension in South West Qld
    1 NGN

    The investment is to provide growers in the Mungindi and Meandarra regions with replicated and demonstration trials in conjunction with economic analysis to evaluate the effectiveness and viability of deep P application to increase yield and profit. Existing calculators will be used to identify t...

    Project start date: 01/05/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2026

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BWD2304-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Vetch agronomy for the lower Vic Mallee
    1 NGN

    This project lead by BCG is looking to provide Victorian Mallee growers a better understanding of the nitrogen and soil moisture legacy benefits from growing vetch under different management systems. They will also have a greater understanding of the hay quality requirements of their key markets ...

    Project start date: 03/04/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2025

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    Birchip Cropping Group
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: WMG2304-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Determining optimal potassium levels and management options for the West Midlands regions
    1 NGN

    This project aims to support growers in the Wests Midlands region to understand potassium (K) cycling across their system and determine their farm's K budget. Growers in the West Midlands region have identified potassium (K) deficiency as an ongoing constraint limiting yield potential in sand...

    Project start date: 01/04/2023 - Project end date: 30/04/2026

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    West Midlands Group
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: KAL2303-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN: Investigation of seeding system soil throw and pre-emergent options to control blue lupin establishment and growth in narrow-leaf lupin
    1 NGN

    The Western Australian blue lupin (Lupinus cosentinii) was introduced into Australia for summer sheep feed and soil improvement in the Geraldton, West Midlands, Dandaragan and Gingin districts in the 1900s, and was popular in areas due to its ability to thrive on infertile deep sands. WA blue lup...

    Project start date: 31/03/2023 - Project end date: 31/03/2025

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    Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BWD2303-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Seasonal management of disease complexes in a variable climate for the Southern Vic Mallee
    1 NGN

    This project is designed to assist grower decision making in managing disease complexes as they arise in season, and understanding risks and seasonal probabilities.Seasonal conditions in the local area can vary dramatically across decile years in terms of rainfall quantities and patterns across t...

    Project start date: 27/03/2023 - Project end date: 05/06/2025

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    Birchip Cropping Group
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2303-006RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Understanding the nitrogen contribution of chickpea in Queensland using the natural abundance technique
    1 NGN

    A range of summer and winter pulse crops are widely grown in the Northern Region for the benefits they provide in the crop rotation including improved nitrogen (N) nutrition, weed and disease management. While the perception has been that legumes benefit the rotation by contributing atmospherical...

    Project start date: 01/03/2023 - Project end date: 30/09/2024

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CFL2303-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Management of barley lodging on the Darling Downs using plant growth regulators
    1 NGN

    The profitability of growing barley on the Darling Downs (QLD) is often impacted by poor harvest efficacy due to lodging or shattering of heads prior to, or during harvest. Participants at the Brigalow Grower Group NGN Forum reported significant crop losses in the previous two seasons and are int...

    Project start date: 01/03/2023 - Project end date: 30/04/2025

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    Censeo Field and Lab Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UOA2301-004RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Effective control of three corner jack (spiny emex) species in lentils in the mid and upper north of SA
    1 NGN

    The control of three corner jack (spiny emex) species in lentils has been raised as a significant constraint on light soils in the western areas of the mid- and upper-north of SA. Generally, due to multiple herbicide options, three corner jack is well controlled in cereals. However, feedback into...

    Project start date: 28/02/2023 - Project end date: 28/02/2025

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    The University of Adelaide
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FAR2302-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Management strategies for wheat powdery mildew in southern NSW - Validation and extension
    1 NGN

    Wheat powdery mildew can cause up to 25% yield loss in Australia with commonly grown varieties possessing poor resistance, ranging from susceptible to very susceptible. Wheat powdery mildew is found throughout the wheat growing regions of NSW and is particularly problematic in the western lower r...

    Project start date: 28/02/2023 - Project end date: 30/05/2025

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    Field Applied Research Australia Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BVW2302-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN: Guidance for spreading mouse bait to improve efficacy and maintain bait integrity
    1 NGN

    During periods of high mouse numbers, with the threat of crop losses, growers often access and use spreaders built for other purposes, such as mollusc bait and fertiliser spreaders, that are not set-up correctly for applying mouse bait. As a result, growers have reported encountering the followin...

    Project start date: 24/02/2023 - Project end date: 30/09/2024

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    The Trustee for BM & VL White Family Trust
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: GOA2302-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Demonstration of summer fallow weed management strategies to reduce input costs in soils of the Narromine region
    1 NGN

    Summer fallow weeds cause large grain yield reductions in the following winter crop as they deplete soil water and nitrogen in the fallow phase, therefore limiting availability to crops. Additionally, fallow weeds can act as a 'green bridge', increasing the risk of various diseases such a...

    Project start date: 15/02/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2025

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    Grain Orana Alliance Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2301-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Growing summer active legumes for winter nitrogen in the HFZ
    1 NGN

    This investment aims to give growers in the high rainfall zone increased knowledge on the benefits of growing summer active legumes for additional nitrogen in their rotations. Since January 2021, the price of urea has increased. This is currently a considerable concern for growers in Western Aust...

    Project start date: 03/01/2023 - Project end date: 03/04/2026

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LAK2301-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Maximising the profitability of fallow
    1 NGN

    At recent NGN Forums in WA there was a wide-ranging discussion around fallow and the reasons to use fallow in rotations and activities that could be looked at in trials. The topics below were discussed: - Deciding on area to fallow prior to seeding to de-risk operation. - Looking at range of soil...

    Project start date: 01/01/2023 - Project end date: 28/03/2025

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAW2212-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN: Furthering grower knowledge and understanding of the scientifically unidentified 'Dongara weevil'
    1 NGN

    Since 2013, an unidentified weevil has been reported by growers and advisers to be repeatedly causing damage to canola and coriander crops in localised areas of Mingenew and Dongara in Western Australia (WA). Anecdotally, the damage appears to be worse on heavier soils compared to lighter soils a...

    Project start date: 05/12/2022 - Project end date: 30/04/2026

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    Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: TAR2211-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN: Demonstrating effective management of late summer/early autumn germinating marshmallow (Malva parviflora) in southern Western Australia
    1 NGN

    Marshmallow is a widely distributed, difficult to manage weed that has thrived in grain cropping regions due to the adoption of no-till, the reduction of livestock in the farming system, and the biological characteristics of the plant. Growers in southern Western Australia have indicated that lat...

    Project start date: 20/11/2022 - Project end date: 19/06/2025

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    Tarwonga Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ERS2209-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - WA Growers Canola Tour of Victoria
    1 NGN

    WA growers have raised concerns over the lack of hybrid canola seed availability in WA and have asked why the seed companies are unable to supply orders once they are made, especially the newer varieties. This investment includes travel to Horsham in VIC to meet with hybrid canola seed producers...

    Project start date: 18/09/2022 - Project end date: 21/09/2022

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    Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2208-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Investigating late winter and early spring cereal cropping opportunities for grain growers following autumn waterlogging - South-Western Australia
    1 NGN

    This project will examine the viability and productivity of late winter and early spring seeding of cereal varieties in the Southern region of Western Australia. The trial will assess which varieties are most suitable to being seeded later in the season as a mitigation strategy to water logging. ...

    Project start date: 01/08/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2023

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DPI2207-003RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Improving and understanding the interaction between Water Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Canola
    1 NGN

    Growers participating in National Grower Network (NGN) forums in Southern NSW require canola nitrogen management strategies for different seasonal water conditions. They require data on the most appropriate strategy to deploy in declining, increasing, or stable soil water conditions through the g...

    Project start date: 01/07/2022 - Project end date: 20/04/2023

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    [NSW] Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: RPI2206-003SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Validation of organic fertiliser sources for crop nutrition in NE Victoria
    1 NGN

    This project is a pilot 2-year project where FAR Australia (research) and Riverine Plains (extension) will look at the value of faba bean stubble (pertaining to 5t/ha plus faba bean crop grown in 2021) with and without organic manures in restoring fertility and increasing yield in the following w...

    Project start date: 30/06/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2026

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    Riverine Plains Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FAR2206-003RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Maximising the benefit of early sowing barley and wheat cultivars in low rainfall & high temperature environments.
    1 NGN

    In western areas of NSW, a proportion of the growing seasons are set up for early sowing, however, the available range of winter barley and wheat types often experience significant heat and moisture stress in their critical growth period substantially reducing grain yield outcomes. Where growers ...

    Project start date: 16/06/2022 - Project end date: 29/11/2024

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    Field Applied Research Australia Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FLR2206-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Comparison of nitrogen based demand and banking strategies to aid N decision making in SE NSW
    1 NGN

    Difficulties in matching N supply to crop N demand and understanding the potential to utilise a 'Nitrogen banking' strategy to simplify decision making was raised as a priority issue and opportunity by the Medium Rainfall Zone members of the National Grower Network, and by FarmLink member...

    Project start date: 10/06/2022 - Project end date: 31/08/2023

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    FarmLink Research Limited
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: AGG2206-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Lime response on acid, low rainfall, sandy soils of southwestern NSW
    1 NGN

    This initiative provides growers with clear guidelines on management of acid soils that have low Al and have not anecdotally been responsive to lime applications in south west NSW. Grower issue identification: Discussions in Grower Network forums in the GRDC sub-region of Southwest NSW and partic...

    Project start date: 09/06/2022 - Project end date: 31/10/2025

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    Ag Grow Agronomy Research Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: AMP2205-004RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Validating the use of plant growth regulators to manage excessive growth in barley in Northern Region warm growing environments.
    1 NGN

    Growers participating in the National Grower Network (NGN) forums in northern NSW have identified that barley crops grown in warmer cropping areas of GRDC's northern region can often experience rapid growth periods in early crop development stages and up to head emergence. This fast and exces...

    Project start date: 30/05/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    AMPS Research
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CRP2205-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Safflower Agronomy and Extension: WA
    1 NGN

    Super high oleic safflower (SHOS) is proposed as high value cash crop and valuable break crop for cereal dominant systems and potential profitable option for low to mid rainfall regions in systems where canola is unsuitable. The target area, rainfall zone and farming systems fit is being refined...

    Project start date: 04/05/2022 - Project end date: 30/04/2023

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    Crop Circle Consulting Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ERS2204-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Beans nutrition omissions trial
    1 NGN

    There is potential to provide a profit gain through trace elements. Growers are seeking a 5-10% in yields through this research and are hopeful that this work could be transformational in this region for minimal input cost.

    Project start date: 30/04/2022 - Project end date: 31/10/2023

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    Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MAN2204-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Communication and extension of slug management in the Southern region
    1 NGN

    Slugs are the sixth most damaging invertebrate pest for the Australian grains industry, costing growers an average of $8.7 million annually (Murray, et al., 2013). Slugs are particularly damaging to establishing canola, with experiments demonstrating yield losses in untreated areas estimated to b...

    Project start date: 29/04/2022 - Project end date: 31/03/2024

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    Michael A Nash
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UOS2204-005RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Mapping yield gap and yield variability in commercial pulse crops
    1 NGN

    Growers are interested in making pulse crops a more significant part of on-farm sequences, however cash flow in the year of pulse production continues to act as a handbrake on greater representation of pulses in the crop sequences. Many of the insights provided by growers also make references to ...

    Project start date: 28/04/2022 - Project end date: 15/08/2025

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    University of Sydney
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LAK2204-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Fallow Management and the economic costs
    1 NGN

    There is also grower interest in looking at different fallow systems as some growers use "fallow" in different contexts. This investment will incorporate the different versions of fallow treatments that Grower Network members have identified, with the economics (positive and negative) o...

    Project start date: 22/04/2022 - Project end date: 30/04/2024

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    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BWD2204-003RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - N banking strategies to manage variable and unpredictable nitrogen demand in the LRZ of the Southern Region
    1 NGN

    This investment is designed to validate a range of 'N banking targets' (and budget scenarios) and compare to traditional 'N crop demand driven strategies' to establish potential profits and risks associated with both in the LRZ. Testing the parameters of different N bank targets a...

    Project start date: 15/04/2022 - Project end date: 31/08/2023

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    Birchip Cropping Group
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BWD2204-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - N banking strategies to manage variable and unpredictable nitrogen demand in the MRZ of the Southern Region
    1 NGN

    This investment is designed to validate a range of 'N banking targets' (and budget scenarios) and compare to traditional 'N crop demand driven strategies' to establish potential profits and risks associated with both in the MRZ. Testing the parameters of different N bank targets a...

    Project start date: 15/04/2022 - Project end date: 31/08/2023

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    Birchip Cropping Group
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FAR2204-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Barley management options to close the yield gap and reduce pre-harvest losses
    1 NGN

    Through the National Grower Network (NGN), and previously the Regional Cropping Solutions Network (RCSN), growers in the low and medium rainfall zones of the southern region have identified different constraints that prevent maximum attainable yield. These constraints include head loss, disease m...

    Project start date: 14/04/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    Field Applied Research Australia Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UCS2204-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Action learning on crop response to acid subsoil stratification and amelioration benefits.
    1 NGN

    This investment focuses on a range of solutions that adress subsurface soil acidification to ensure crop yields and crop choice are not limited.Past research has demonstrated that agricultural lime is the best option to ameliorate acidity (e.g., Woodruff, C.M. 1948). However, in south-east Austra...

    Project start date: 07/04/2022 - Project end date: 30/08/2025

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    Charles Sturt University
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DJP2204-006RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Stubble residue management for optimising canola establishment in the Wimmera
    1 NGN

    Stubble retention practices in the Wimmera following recent high production years is leading to issues with canola establishment in subsequent years. Growers are utilising burning to manage these high stubble residue loads preventatively however this leads not only to loss of organic matter and n...

    Project start date: 06/04/2022 - Project end date: 31/07/2026

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    Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: TGC2204-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Validation and extension of management strategies for wheat powdery mildew
    1 NGN

    Wheat powdery mildew is a sporadic disease that can cause up to 25% yield loss in conducive conditions. In the Southern region, Wheat powdery mildew (WPM) has increased in prevalence, with reported incidence and severity particularly high in areas of the Yorke Peninsula, Lower North, Eyre Peninsu...

    Project start date: 01/04/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    Trengove Consulting Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LIE2204-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Risk and rewards of very early sown canola
    1 NGN

    The Liebe Group R&D committee have identified a timely opportunity to investigate early seeding opportunity for canola. A tropical low system from the 26-30 March 2022 has the potential to bring significant rainfall to the region and has prompted growers to investigate how different varieties...

    Project start date: 01/04/2022 - Project end date: 28/03/2025

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    The Liebe Group Incorporated
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SAD2204-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Unlocking yield potential of Durum in the South East of South Australia
    1 NGN

    New technologies are now available to Durum growers that presents an exciting opportunity to expand the yield frontier of durum and close the yield gap to bread wheat. Durum is of particular importance to SA, over the past 5 years' average area sown has been 50,000 hectares, producing 118,700...

    Project start date: 01/04/2022 - Project end date: 19/09/2025

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    Southern Australia Durum Growers Association Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ICN2203-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN GRDC Northern Region Industry Spray Day Initiative
    1 NGN

    Spraying technology is adapting very quickly and growers are constantly considering how new technology fits in their business. This investment will deliver six GRDC Industry Spray Days (three annually for two years) in the GRDC Northern Region. The events will provide a platform for industry to d...

    Project start date: 31/03/2022 - Project end date: 20/11/2024

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CSP2203-006RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Soil water modelling of stripper and draper header front stubbles to identify possible differences in water capture and storage for early sowing opportunities.
    1 NGN

    The opportunity exists to demonstrate and validate soil water accumulation models under stripper and draper front stubbles across a range of environments using data from investment FLR2012-003RTX to ground truth model parameters. The modelling in this investment would extend the likely water cons...

    Project start date: 28/03/2022 - Project end date: 30/08/2025

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CFG2203-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Farming after Fire - soil and herbicide management post fire, pre-seeding
    1 NGN

    There is need to respond to these bushfire events extremely rapidly whilst clean-up is being undertaken, damage being assessed and ahead of major 2022 crop planning decisions being made. The investment will provide soils and cropping related expert advice to growers in a timely manner and will pr...

    Project start date: 24/03/2022 - Project end date: 31/05/2022

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    CORRIGIN Farm Improvement Group
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: AIP2203-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Tactics to minimise frost damage on the Eyre Peninsula
    1 NGN

    In 2022 and 2023, this investment will establish a frost management site to demonstrate tactics for growers and advisers to better manage frost in the central Eyre Peninsula. At additional sites (over both years), monitoring of canopy temperature and soil moisture will be conducted on ameliorated...

    Project start date: 04/03/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2203-003SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Increasing the effectiveness of claying in the Albany Port Zone
    1 NGN

    This investment aims to improve grower awareness on the varying qualities of clay found on-farm and demonstrate how clay application rates impact on success. It will equip growers with a better understanding of; Soil properties of paddock zones intended for claying with a) soil analysis to determ...

    Project start date: 01/03/2022 - Project end date: 22/05/2025

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UOQ2203-006RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Assessment of organic phosphorus sources
    1 NGN

    Growers have identified through the NGN that the high cost of inorganic phosphorus (P) fertiliser (MAP & DAP) and lower cost options of organic P fertiliser (chicken and cattle manure) as an opportunity to lower input costs of crop production. The opportunity exists to determine the crop resp...

    Project start date: 01/03/2022 - Project end date: 30/08/2025

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    The University of Queensland
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LAK2202-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Carryover of nitrogen after crop failure - Western Region case studies
    1 NGN

    Growers that were hit by frost and heat stress in 2021, after applying robust nitrogen rates during the season when conditions looked promising, face the additional financial burden of increased nitrogen fertiliser costs in 2022. The increased costs are being driven by strong international demand...

    Project start date: 21/02/2022 - Project end date: 31/03/2023

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    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CMP2202-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Investing in Fertiliser storage infrastructure in the GRDC Northern Region
    1 NGN

    This investment will develop a range of technical resources which help guide growers who are looking to invest in on-farm fertiliser storage infrastructure.

    Project start date: 21/02/2022 - Project end date: 30/04/2023

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    Cussons Media Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2202-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Understanding trends in falling numbers in the medium to high rainfall zones of WA
    1 NGN

    The falling numbers test conducted on wheat assists in identifying its quality for bread-making. Low falling numbers result in down grade of wheat at receival. This is a are a critical issue for all growers in WA with varieties exhibiting different propensities for low falling numbers. Research u...

    Project start date: 09/02/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2022

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: USQ2202-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Improving Powdery Mildew Management in Mungbean
    1 NGN

    Powdery mildew is a disease that impacts mungbean crops annually and if left unmanaged can cause yield losses of up to 40%. With little genetic resistance in current varieties, management relies on the application of fungicides. There are, however, some inconsistencies in the various communicatio...

    Project start date: 01/02/2022 - Project end date: 01/09/2024

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    University of Southern Queensland
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SPA2201-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Precision fertiliser decisions in a tight economic climate
    1 NGN

    This project is a natural extension to the previous Hands-on Precision Ag Training workshops. It will assist growers to better manage input prices, maximise on-farm productivity/environmental efficiencies and build economic resilience within their farming systems in high input-cost seasons. It wi...

    Project start date: 14/01/2022 - Project end date: 15/12/2023

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    SPAA - Society of Precision Agriculture Australia
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CSP2201-005RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Better summer weed management decisions in southern and western Australia
    1 NGN

    Despite research and researchers promoting the importance and high expected returns of summer weed control it is clearly observed that substantial areas of summer weeds remain uncontrolled by growers. In the limited studies involving mainly heliotrope, grain yield losses due to water and N losses...

    Project start date: 07/01/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: ACO2201-003SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Farming Water - a technical manual to increase grower and adviser use of plant available water dynamics in agronomic decision making.
    1 NGN

    By 30 December 2023, growers and advisers have technical resources in a form that increases their understanding of water availability, use and loss across the farming systems and how it's effective management can used to guide agronomic decisions to reduce grain production variability across ...

    Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 31/12/2023

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    AgCommunicators Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CRP2201-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Weed control in high standing residue systems in the Northern Ag Region of WA
    1 NGN

    In the Northern Agricultural Zone (NAR) in WA there are many growers already implementing either disc seeding or stripper front harvest, with a few implementing the complete "strip and disc" system. The heat, sunshine and wind in this zone means that some benefits might be more pronounc...

    Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 30/04/2024

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    Crop Circle Consulting Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: UOA2201-002RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Identifying potassium responsive soils and best practice application of K in the MRZ and HRZ of the Southern Region
    1 NGN

    This investment is designed to collect and collate data from a range of different soil types under plus and minus K fertiliser treatments to validate K responsiveness, and look to ascertain if current critical K values re accurate across all soil types. The investment is also designed to demonstr...

    Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2024

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    The University of Adelaide
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MSF2201-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Optimising soil amelioration costs in typical Mallee soils
    1 NGN

    This investment will quantify the power requirements and fuel use for various soil amelioration techniques in typical Mallee soil types with replicated trials. A selection of the most common soil amelioration tines will be assessed for power requirements at different spacings, operating speeds, d...

    Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 09/12/2024

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    Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: FMO2201-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN: Increasing capacity and capability for mouse surveillance and management in the Western Australian grains industry
    1 NGN

    During the 2021 autumn and winter growing season, there has been an increase in reports of large populations of the feral house mouse (Mus muculus domesticus) causing damage to crops across the Western Australian (WA) grain-belt. House mice undergo periodic and irregular outbreaks in grain produc...

    Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 31/01/2025

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    Farmanco Management Consultants Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: LIV2112-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Canola establishment in the low rainfall zones of the Western Region
    1 NGN

    At recent Grower Network forums and member meetings the issue of poor canola establishment was raised. In the 2021 season there was the opportunity to sow into moist soil and the rate of failure was around 20%, whereas when sown dry, some growers have indicated it can be up to 50% of the area sow...

    Project start date: 06/12/2021 - Project end date: 31/03/2024

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    Living Farm Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: BWD2112-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Management of Rosinweed and Star of Bethlehem in Victoria's Mallee and Wimmera
    1 NGN

    The project will investigate control options for management of rosinweed and star of Bethlehem in the Victorian Mallee and Wimmera regions through a series of pot and field studies. The project will also investigate seed dormancy levels in rosinweed.

    Project start date: 01/12/2021 - Project end date: 01/05/2024

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    Birchip Cropping Group
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SFS2112-002SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Large stubble loads and the impact of stripper/disc systems in the High Rainfall Zone of Southern Australia
    1 NGN

    This investment will compare the stripper and disc seeding systems as a method for managing the high stubble loads generated from high yielding crops.Growers in the southern region have repeatedly expressed interest in stripper and disc systems as a potential method to increasing speed, capacity ...

    Project start date: 01/12/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2025

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    Southern Farming Systems (SFS)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MRE2111-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Weather essentials for Pesticide Application technical content review and update
    1 NGN

    Recent research trial work associated with "MRE00002 Air Inversion Modelling to manage spray drift" has identified new information primarily relating to the development of hazardous surface temperature inversion events that requires extension to growers and advisers. It is therefore tim...

    Project start date: 15/11/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2022

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    Micrometeorology Research & Education Services (MR&ES)
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2111-005RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Agronomic practices to maximise Peanut kernel quality and yield.
    1 NGN

    Growers, industry representatives and researchers have identified an opportunity to support the continued development of best management strategies targeted at increasing the production of high-quality grade peanut kernels to meet the growing market demand for this high value legume commodity.Res...

    Project start date: 05/11/2021 - Project end date: 15/11/2024

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CRO2111-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Winter wheat agronomy for grain growers in the Western Region
    1 NGN

    This project will help to answer many questions that growers and advisors have on optimising the performance of winter wheats and how they fit into the farming system. It will also demonstrate potential threats or pitfalls with winter wheat such as weed management, insect management and low soil ...

    Project start date: 05/11/2021 - Project end date: 07/03/2025

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    Cropportunity Pty Ltd ATF The Window of Opportunity Trust
    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: GGA2110-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN Measuring harvest losses in Western Australia
    1 NGN

    Harvest losses are a direct loss of income to grain growers, which in many cases can be avoided with better operator knowledge, harvester set up and regular measurements. Grain losses during harvest in Western Australia are sometimes measured by growers, but there are no current industry benchmar...

    Project start date: 11/10/2021 - Project end date: 31/01/2023

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    Grower Group Alliance
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SFS2109-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Strategies for waterlogged crops in the High Rainfall Zone of the Southern Region
    1 NGN

    This contract will deliver a series of trial and extension products to the grains industry, particularly growers and agronomists in southern Victoria and Tasmania, to inform decisions that speed and assist their ability to manage and respond to waterlogged conditions.

    Project start date: 24/09/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2023

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    Southern Farming Systems (SFS)
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SCF2109-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Locally relevant spring and/or summer sown cropping opportunities for grain growers following excessive winter waterlogging - South-Western Australia
    1 NGN

    This GRDC investment aims to provide growers with a range of spring/summer sown cropping options to address the impacts of excessive winter waterlogging and explore summer production opportunities. It will locally validate previous R&D investment relating to spring sown crops, building local ...

    Project start date: 08/09/2021 - Project end date: 31/03/2023

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    Stirlings to Coast Farmers
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: MFM2106-001RTX
    National Grower Network
    Managing soils post-amelioration in the Upper South East SA
    1 NGN

    This investment is designed help build growers' confidence and address gaps in knowledge relating to the agronomic management of recently ameliorated soils in the upper South East of South Australia.The project will include a three-year series of trials, soil characterisations, pit demonstrat...

    Project start date: 29/06/2021 - Project end date: 31/01/2025

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    MacKillop Farm Management Group
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: CSP2106-009RTX
    National Grower Network
    Grain and Grazing management of canola and wheat production systems- A technical manual
    1 NGN

    This investment will bring together the research findings from several GRDC projects that have focused on ensuring the dual objectives of grain production and early grazing by livestock can be accomplished without impacting on grain yield. This is primarily focused on early sowings of winter or l...

    Project start date: 01/06/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2025

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    Project status:
    status icon Active
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: DAQ2104-005RTX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Better understanding farming system and/or agronomic changes to maximise profitability of the long coleoptile trait in wheat - CQLD & SWQLD
    1 NGN

    Growers in central and southern Queensland have identified that the ability to plant wheat into stored sub-soil moisture in the same way they currently plant chickpea at depth, would increase the frequency, timeliness of planting and the successful emergence of wheat in this environment. Incorpor...

    Project start date: 27/04/2021 - Project end date: 30/04/2023

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    Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: KAL2104-001SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Phosphorus Response Curves for Pulses in the Esperance and Albany Port Zones
    1 NGN

    Growers and advisors have told GRDC that their pulse nutrition management is currently based on cereal response curves rather than known pulse information. Research conducted in Chile in 2014, found that there was a correlation between wheat and peas of their phosphorous use efficiency (PUE), how...

    Project start date: 01/04/2021 - Project end date: 30/04/2024

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    Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd
    Project status:
    status icon Completed
  • GRDC brand icon GRDC code: SEP1802-003SAX
    National Grower Network
    NGN - Summer Cropping Demonstrations in the Esperance Port Zone
    1 NGN

    There have been many trials already done in the past in the Esperance Port Zone investigating summer cropping. However, with the increase in soil amelioration work in the region, growers are further interested in exploring options for using summer crops as a break crop (weed control) and to incre...

    Project start date: 15/02/2018 - Project end date: 30/04/2024

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    Project status:
    status icon Active