GroundCover news
View allGRDC investments
View allECR Fellowship: Exploring new opportunities for Australian canola
Canola is the third-largest oilseed globally, with Australia ranking as the second-largest exporter. While canola oil drives market demand, nearly half of the crop's yield, its protein-rich by-product, is often discarded or used for low-value applications like fertiliser. With rising global i...
ECR Fellowship - Pulse Plant Architecture
Plant architecture - the shape, size, and structure of a plant - is a fundamental determinant of crop yield, as it determines the number and distribution of leaves, stems, fruit, and seeds. Genetic pathways controlling shoot branching and plant height were strongly selected during grain crop dome...
Upcoming updates and events
View allAFREN - managing foliar diseases and fungicide resistance workshop - Toowoomba
Location: Toowoomba, Queensland | North
GRDC Herbicide behaviour workshop - Merredin
Location: Merredin, Western Australia | West
Podcasts and videos
How can I manage wheat powdery mildew? #GRDC #Shorts #AFREN
What to do about Wheat Powdery Mildew: Strategies for managing fungicide resistance
Get bang for your herbicide buck - GRDC
Applied N under irrigation - what’s the magic number? - GRDC
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Using crop competition to suppress weeds - GRDC
This publication details how increasing competition in grain crops can suppress in-crop weeds by narrowing row spacing, increasing crop density and/or the use of more competitive crop species and cultivars.

Transitioning a viable farm business to the next generation - GRDC
This farm business fact sheet provides a guide to understanding the key financial factors impacting on the transfer of a viable farm business to the next generation.