Regional Panel Positions

Regional Panel Positions

GRDC Regional Panel Members – Applications Open

The Grains Research and Development Corporation’s (GRDC) Regional Panel members play a pivotal, grower-focused role in grains research, development and extension.

GRDC needs innovative, broad minded, collaborative grain growers, agronomists, researchers or industry stakeholders to be part of the GRDC Regional Panels in the Northern, Southern and Western Regions.

GRDC is a world leading grains research organisation, responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing research, development and extension (RD&E) to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers. The grains industry contributes approximately $20 billion to the Australian economy annually. In 2024-35 GRDC will invest $240 million to drive the discovery, development and delivery of world-class innovation for Australian grain growers and the wider economy.

GRDC works closely with Australian grain growers to invest in RD&E that makes a difference to on-farm profitability. GRDC Regional Panels play a critical role in advising GRDC on regional issues, opportunities and proposed investments.

As a GRDC Regional Panel member you would be engaging closely with Australian grain growers, advisers, agronomists, researchers and other industry stakeholders to ensure GRDC RD&E is delivering impact for our industry.

From a professional perspective these positions offer an opportunity to engage and contribute right across the grains industry, develop national network, benefit from peer group support with the panel system and gain insights into the latest, cutting-edge RD&E.

Applications are now open for the:

  • GRDC Regional Panel members for the Southern Panel (Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania).
  • GRDC Regional Panel members for the Northern Panel (New South Wales and Queensland).
  • GRDC Regional Panel members for the Western Panel (Western Australia).

These advisory positions will be offered for an initial period of two years from 1 September 2025 until 31 August 2027. The indicative minimum time commitment is up to 20 days per year with appropriate remuneration via a daily sitting fee.

The Regional Panel Policy provides that the Panel members must reside or work in the Panel’s region.

Applications must include:

  • a curriculum vitae (which should not exceed four (4) pages) which details relevant qualifications along with current and previous positions and professional activities;
  • the details of two professional referees that GRDC is authorised to contact to seek further information relevant to the application for a role as a GRDC Regional Panel Member; and
  • a cover letter which addresses the Selection Criteria and identifies the Regional Panel that the Applicant is applying for (Northern, Southern or Western) along with evidence of the Applicant’s residence or place of work within that Region, and the name of the Applicant’s current employer (if consent is needed for the Applicant to commit time to the Panel).

Selection criteria:

  • experience in Australian and/or international grains industries, particularly in the areas of production, processing, trade, marketing or research
  • understanding of strategically important issues for the grains industry
  • understanding of GRDC’s strategic direction and investment processes
  • experience with finance and investment management practices, tools and performance indicators used in modern agricultural businesses
  • established industry networks
  • contributions made to the industry in similar positions in the grains or other industry
  • demonstrated ability to facilitate and communicate issues related to research, development and extension activities across the region; and conceptual and strategic thinking skills
  • ability to facilitate and communicate internally with members of their regional panel and GRDC staff
  • commitment and capacity to meet time requirements of the Panel member role.

For more information, go to GRDC Careers where a comprehensive Application Information Pack (PDF) can be found along with other important information.

Applicants are encouraged to apply via SEEK through the link provided on the GRDC Careers page. Only complete applications will be considered. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applications close at 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Friday 4 April 2025.