GRDC Grains Research Update (Pittsworth)

GRDC Grains Research Update (Pittsworth)

Event Name GRDC Grains Research Update (Pittsworth)
Start Date Jul 26, 2018 8:30 am
End Date Jul 26, 2018 3:00 pm
Duration 6 hours and 30 minutes

Keep updated on the latest developments in grains research at the Pittsworth GRDC Grains Research Update. Leading-edge research that’s farm ready for the Darling Downs.


  • Robots with lasers! What are researchers looking at for future weed control? Lasers, robotics, microwaves, precision tillage and more. Mike Walsh, University of Sydney
  • Impact of different summer crops on soil water extraction and subsequent fallow efficiency. Lindsay Bell, CSIRO
  • Sequencing cotton in dryland farming systems - getting into and out of dryland cotton. Jon Baird, NSW DPI
  • Mungbean agronomy update – new research on time of sowing; plant population and row spacing +/- irrigation; water use efficiency and from where moisture is extracted. Kerry McKenzie
  • Sorghum - row spacing and yield stability in hard finishing seasons; & ‘Lodging’ - why some crops fall over and what you can do to prevent it? Trevor Philp, Pacific Seeds
  • Summer crop discussion - key decisions for profit in the coming season
  • Grower experience in generating and using field data to 'hopefully' make more money! Understanding the causes of yield variation in a given year and how to adapt management.  Mike Smith, Tarnee
  • Reserve P and K mobility and testing strategies - flood impacts on the release of P and K; what happens to fertilizer reaction products; and the effect of rhizosphere acidification on P & K mobility. Chris Guppy, UNE
  • Deep P - when results are examined over multiple years, there has been a big economic response to deep applied P! David Lester, DAF Qld
  • The Helicoverpa resistance management strategy – why; what's in it; how it will work?  Efficacy data of alternate products and their use at times where Altacor® is not available. Repeated low-rates of NPV to suppress Helicoverpa populations. Melina Miles, DAF Qld

Registration: 8:30am for a 9am start. Finish 3:00 pm. Cost: $30 pp. and $20 for second person per farm (Cheques payable to ICAN Pty. Ltd.). Lunch, morning tea and proceedings provided.

To RSVP / register, or for further information or agenda, please contact John Cameron or Erica McKay on 02 9482 4930 or e-mail

(Agenda subject to change)