Spring Field Day: Daysdale and Balldale

Spring Field Day: Daysdale and Balldale

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Event Name
Spring Field Day: Daysdale and Balldale
Start Date
End Date
7 hours

FAR Australia invites you to attend our Daysdale/Balldale Spring Field Day where we will showcase a range of GRDC investments in wheat, barley and grain legumes.

Come and inspect a variety of research trials where topics of discussion will include:

  • Comparisons of pulse species for grain yield and nitrogen fixation – Including varieties of faba beans, lupins, field peas, vetch, chickpeas, and lentils.
  • Fungicide management strategies in faba beans.
  • Comparison of wheat and barley varieties suited to an early April sow date.
  • Canopy management strategies for early sown wheat – Sowing rate and grazing
  • Barley management option to obtain maximum attainable yield in the medium rainfall zones – Investigating time of sowing, variety choice, canopy management, fungicide strategy, and nitrogen management.
  • Management options for control of wheat powdery mildew in Southern NSW – Variety choice, fungicide products, and strategic use of new actives in the fungicide program.
113 Hanrahans Road
NSW 2646
Contact name
Rachel Hamilton
Contact phone

Cost (in AUD$): Free


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