GRDC Grains Research Update – Pallamallawa
Discuss the latest farm-ready information to improve profit, with researchers, agronomists and leading growers at the Pallamallawa GRDC Grains Research Update.
- Comparing risk & reward of different N budgeting approaches – insights from farming system & RiskWi$e research. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
- Understanding the nitrogen contribution of chickpeas & mungbeans. Jordan Davis (DPI Qld) & David Lester (DPI Qld)
- Deep P – legacy impacts on deep P applied 8-10 years ago & sampling to drive decisions. David Lester (DPI Qld)
- Deep P panel discussion. David Lester & Brad Donald (B&W Rural)
- How do regenerative practices such as ley pastures & manure compare to more conventional management systems? Data from long term farming systems trials. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
- Farming systems impact on soil biology, soil pathogens & system resilience. Gupta Vadakattu (CSIRO)
- Farming system and yield impacts of running higher levels of crop competition with weeds. Andrew Erbacher (DPI Qld)
- Spray application: nozzles; setup of spot sprayers; best use of PWM; drones; and finding logistical efficiency in spray operations. Tom Wolf (Agrimetrix Research & Training, Canada)
Registration: 8:30am for a 9:00am start. Finish 2:55pm.
Cost: Free (registration appreciated for catering)
Lunch, morning tea and proceedings provided.
To RSVP / register, or for further information or agenda, please contact Andrea Mathers or Erica McKay on 02 9482 4930, e-mail or register online at
(Agenda subject to change)
NSW 2399
Cost (in AUD$):