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Results found: 1 - 10 of 656 search results

  • GRDC Code: CFL2308-001RTX
    Evaluation of biodegradable mulch film in spring planting of sorghum and maize
    Biodegradable mulch (BDM) film may be beneficial in the production of spring planted maize or sorghum in Darling Downs/Central Queensland region. The agronomic benefits of applying a BDM film in these regions include achieving enhanced water use…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Maize, (Cereal)
    • Sorghum, (Cereal)
  • GRDC Code: UOA2401-005RTX
    Validation and deployment of novel genomic regions from wild barley to enhance grain yield and yield components in domesticated barley
    Extensive domestication through breeding and selection has resulted in a genetic bottleneck in many crops, including barley. Notwithstanding that genetic gain will continue to be achieved into the future through sophisticated plant breeding…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Barley, (Cereal)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: UWA2311-006RTX
    Novel approach to determining temperature effects on wheat protein composition and quality attributes
    A hard finish due to drought and/or a hot finish to a wheat season alter post anthesis grain filling leading to lower seed set, smaller grain size and altered wheat seed content. This has immediate quality implications on screenings due to small…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Wheat, (Cereal)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: SCU2307-001RTX
    Regenerative Agriculture: understanding the intent, practices, the benefits and disbenefits.
    Despite becoming more common in agricultural conversations, there is no regulatory, widely accepted nor regularly used definition of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) in Australia. Available definitions of RA are based around adoption of specific…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • All Crops, (All Crops)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: CSP2310-007RTX
    Developing new genetic approaches to decreasing the reproductive frost sensitivity of wheat
    Title: Developing new genetic approaches to decreasing the reproductive frost sensitivity of wheatThis project aims to identify genes or genetic regions associated with decreased frost sensitivity in wheat varieties and provide markers for breeders…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Wheat, (Cereal)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: DAQ2307-001RTX
    NGN - Understanding the long term residual benefit of deep placed P in south west and central Queensland
    This project aims to investigate the benefits of deep placement of phosphorus (P) fertiliser in subsoil layers to enhance crop recovery and yield. The research aims to determine the duration of the residual benefit of deep P placement and provide…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Wheat, (Cereal)
    • Barley, (Cereal)
    • Sorghum, (Cereal)
  • GRDC Code: MJA2309-001CAX
    2018-23 RD&E Plan impact review
    2018-23 RD&E Plan Impact ReviewA comprehensive impact review of the 2018-23 RD&E Plan, focusing on investments' outputs and outcomes as reported in the GRDC's RD&E Performance & Impact framework. The review aims to provide…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • All Crops, (All Crops)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: IIS2309-001CAX
    Independent review of the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (UWA2007-002RTX).
    Independent Review of the Australian Herbicide Resistance InitiativeThis independent review aims to assess the achievements, impacts, and effectiveness of the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) Phase 6 in managing herbicide resistance …
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • All Crops, (All Crops)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: CRT2309-001SAX
    NVT Crop Sowing Guides 2024/2025 - design, print and distribute
    NVT Crop Sowing Guides 2024/2025
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Barley, (Cereal)
    • Oats, (Cereal)
    • Wheat, (Cereal)
    • Sorghum, (Cereal)
    • Chickpeas, (Legume)
    • Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
    • Lupins, (Legume)
    • Field Peas, (Legume)
    • Lentils, (Legume)
    • Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
    North, South, West
  • GRDC Code: ALB2309-001SAX
    NVT Winter Crop Sowing Guide - Queensland 2024/2025
    Editorial content for the 2024/2025 NVT Winter Crop Sowing Guide - Queensland. The guide is to contain NVT data from NVT trials, including long-term yield data for wheat, barley and chickpeas. The guide will provide growers with the relevant…
    Project start date:
    Project end date:
    Crop type:
    • Barley, (Cereal)
    • Oats, (Cereal)
    • Wheat, (Cereal)
    • Sorghum, (Cereal)
    • Chickpeas, (Legume)
    • Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
    • Lupins, (Legume)
    • Field Peas, (Legume)
    • Lentils, (Legume)
    • Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
    North, South, West