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https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/grdc/announcements/integrated-cross-commodity-rd-and-e-program-to-bolster-northern-australias-industries24 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- A four-year RD&E program is poised to enhance the productivity and sustainability of Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Queensland.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230524150000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 24 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Announcements
- ArticleCaption:
- Susan Maas, Cotton Research and Development Corporation; Gillian Meppem, Grains Research and Development Corporation; WA Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Jackie Jarvis; David Larkin AM, CRC for Developing Northern Australia; NT Minister for
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0032/587264/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- development, productivity, cotton, CRCNA, broadacre, cattle, agricultural
- ArticleCategory:
- GRDC News
- title:
- Integrated cross commodity RD&E program to bolster Northern Australia's cotton, grain, and cattle industries
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/grdc/announcements/integrated-cross-commodity-rd-and-e-program-to-bolster-northern-australias-industries
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 28%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleAuthor:
- ArticleAssetID:
- 587231
- ArticlePhotographer:
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/agronomy/soil-and-nutrition/fertilising-the-system,-not-just-the-crop,-can-build-soil-organic-matter24 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- The frustration of seeing no change in soil carbon after 20 years of stubble retention prompted one CSIRO scientist to ask ‘Why?’
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230524090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 24 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Soil and Nutrition
- ArticleCaption:
- The CSIRO and Kalyx teams sampling the soil at the Corowa site prior to the application of the nutrient and stubble management treatments in February 2023.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0034/586591/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- stubble, soil carbon matter, soil organic matter, carbon sequestration, soil fertility, soil nutrients, soil microbes, fertiliser, John Kirkegaard, GRDC
- ArticleCategory:
- Agronomy
- title:
- Fertilising the system, not just the crop, can build soil organic matter
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/agronomy/soil-and-nutrition/fertilising-the-system,-not-just-the-crop,-can-build-soil-organic-matter
- CoreTextUser:
- 400592
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 30%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover Supplement
- ArticleProjectCode:
- CSP2302-011RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- John Kirkegaard, CSIRO
- ArticleSupplement:
- Stubble Innovation, May-June 2023
- ArticleAssetID:
- 586587
- ArticlePhotographer:
Subsurface acidity management – long-term grower case studies to direct future management - GRDC
https://grdc.com.au/resources-and-publications/grdc-update-papers/tab-content/grdc-update-papers/2023/05/subsurface-acidity-management-long-term-grower-case-studies-to-direct-future-management24 May 2023: Using grower records and agronomist knowledge, the iLime app successfully reproduced the measured pH changes in sampled paddocks.
- image:
- https://grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0038/375887/brandmark_landscape.png
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-05-24 00:00:00, 2023-05-24 00:00:00, 2023-05-24, 2023-05-24
- e:
- subsurface acidity management – long-term grower case studies to direct future management, summary
- aauthor:
- Alice Butler1, James Fisher2, Tim Boyes3 and Chris Gazey1,4, 1,4Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, 2Désirée Futures, 3AgVivo, 4SoilsWest
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- f8e23cac4923f1496e139f41fa7b3f14
- j:
- https://grdc.com.au
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Subsurface acidity management – long-term grower case studies to direct future management
- title:
- Subsurface acidity management – long-term grower case studies to direct future management
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 05
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- sregion:
- National
- s:
- acidity, iLime, lime, subsoil management
- ctype:
- Update Paper
- asummary:
- Using grower records and agronomist knowledge, the iLime app successfully reproduced the measured pH changes in sampled paddocks.
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/pests/understanding-chemical-impact-on-beneficial-insects-in-grain-paddocks23 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Insecticides are a valuable tool for Australian grain growers to effectively manage pests in grain production.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230523110000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 23 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Pests
- ArticleCaption:
- Growers can use the Beneficials Chemical Toxicity Table to review the impact of commonly used insecticides on different beneficial insects such as hoverflies.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0029/587171/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- pesticide, protection, crops, Cesar Australia, grain growers, agronomists, farm advisers, hoverfly, snout mite
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- Understanding chemical impact on beneficial insects in grain paddocks
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/pests/understanding-chemical-impact-on-beneficial-insects-in-grain-paddocks
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleAuthor:
- ArticleAssetID:
- 587167
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Lilia Jenkins, Cesar Australia
GRDC in conversation: Cassandra Schefe - GRDC
https://grdc.com.au/news-and-media/audio/podcast/grdc-in-conversation-cassandra-schefe22 May 2023: Cassie and two big names in agricultural sustainability came up with the idea for the Cool Soil Initiative, which now supports farmers explore practices to improve soil health.
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-05-22 09:00:00
- e:
- grdc in conversation: cassandra schefe
- f:
- text/html
- podcastDuration:
- 00:00:00
- H:
- c7fc19cd4e801aa8bbc1e01abc7a44e0
- I:
- https://grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0030/587136/Cassie-Schefe-in-conversation.jpg
- j:
- https://grdc.com.au
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- GRDC in conversation: Cassandra Schefe
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- GRDC Podcast
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- ctype:
- Podcast
- asummary:
- Cassie and two big names in agricultural sustainability came up with the idea for the Cool Soil Initiative, which now supports farmers explore practices to improve soil health.
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/pests/mice-control-in-the-era-of-no-till22 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Trials have investigated the potential of mechanical stubble management options to control mice numbers
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230522090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 22 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- top-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Pests
- ArticleCaption:
- Mouse moving about under crop stubble.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0032/586571/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- stubble, mechanical stubble management, mice control, prickle chain, disc chain, cabling, chain rolling, slashing, stubble mulching, Peter Brown, GRDC
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- Mice control in the era of no-till
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/pests/mice-control-in-the-era-of-no-till
- CoreTextUser:
- 400592
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover Supplement
- ArticleProjectCode:
- CSP1806-015RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Wendy Ruscoe and Peter Brown, CSIRO Health & Biosecurity
- ArticleSupplement:
- Stubble Innovation, May-June 2023
- ArticleAssetID:
- 586567
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Peter Brown, CSIRO
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/diseases/sclerotinia-transmission-across-a-crop-rotation19 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- How Sclerotinia moves from canola stubble into the whole of a farm’s crop rotation is under investigation in the northern and southern growing regions with the aim of learning how to manage or possibly break the disease cycle
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230519090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 19 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Diseases
- ArticleCaption:
- Kurt Lindbeck is heading a new national Sclerotinia project to study disease dynamics across entire cropping rotations and farming systems.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0037/586558/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- canola stubble, stubble management, disease control, Sclerotinia, sclerotia, Kurt Lindbeck, GRDC
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- Sclerotinia transmission across a crop rotation
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/diseases/sclerotinia-transmission-across-a-crop-rotation
- CoreTextUser:
- 400592
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 25%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover Supplement
- ArticleProjectCode:
- DPI2206-023RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Kurt Lindbeck, NSW Department of Primary Industries
- ArticleSupplement:
- Stubble Innovation, May-June 2023
- ArticleAssetID:
- 586554
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Nicole Baxter
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/diseases/staying-ahead-of-canola-blackleg18 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Blackleg disease is constantly changing with respect to the effectiveness of genetic resistance and disease epidemiology – as well as through changes in stubble management
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230518090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 18 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Diseases
- ArticleCaption:
- Glasshouse-based experiments have found that canola cultivars with no effective major gene resistance can nonetheless have underlying ‘quantitative resistance’ to blackleg upper canopy infection.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0030/586551/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- stubble, blackleg, canola, stubble-borne disease, seedling, crown canker, upper canopy infection, stubble management, Steve Marcroft, GRDC
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- Staying ahead of canola blackleg
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/weeds-pests-diseases/diseases/staying-ahead-of-canola-blackleg
- CoreTextUser:
- 400592
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover Supplement
- ArticleProjectCode:
- UOM1904-004RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Steve Marcroft and Angela Van de Wouw, Marcroft Grains Pathology
- ArticleSupplement:
- Stubble Innovation, May-June 2023
- ArticleAssetID:
- 586547
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Marcroft Grains Pathology
https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/innovation/precision-agriculture-and-machinery/grower-workshops-to-power-precision-ag-adoption18 May 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Upcoming workshops by the SPAA will provide grain growers in Western Australia.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230518120000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 18 May 2023
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Precision Agriculture and Machinery
- ArticleCaption:
- SPAA President Phil Honey (left) and GRDC Grower Relations Manager Luke Dawson (right) discuss upcoming Variable Rate Technology workshops in Bencubbin, Merredin and Green Range.
- I:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/__data/assets/image/0025/587104/varieties/thumb550x367.jpg
- ArticleKeywords:
- SPAA, precision ag, workshops, learning, education, on-farm productivity, environmental efficiencies
- ArticleCategory:
- Innovation
- title:
- Grower workshops to power precision ag adoption
- url:
- https://groundcover.grdc.com.au/innovation/precision-agriculture-and-machinery/grower-workshops-to-power-precision-ag-adoption
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- West
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleProjectCode:
- SPA2201-001SAX
- ArticleAuthor:
- ArticleAssetID:
- 587100
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Sue Knights
Fleabane rust fungus release | New biocontrol
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve3X-waCVC0&feature=youtube_gdata_player17 May 2023: This video explains how growers can benefit from a new biocontrol solution for flaxleaf fleabane, a significant cropping weed in many parts of Australia. The biocontrol pilot program implementation is progressing and growers can register for
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
- b:
- 901
- Date:
- 2023-05-17T23:38:45.000Z
- e:
- 15
- I:
- https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ve3X-waCVC0/default.jpg, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ve3X-waCVC0/mqdefault.jpg, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ve3X-waCVC0/hqdefault.jpg, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ve3X-waCVC0/sddefault.jpg
- type:
- video
- l:
- 00:06:09
- L:
- 369
- tab:
- Media
- ctype:
- Video
- w:
- Science & Technology