GRDC Grains Research Update, online - Dual purpose crops

Past online event
Date: 30 Jul 2020
Region: North


GRDC Grains Research Updates in the Northern Region are coming to you live and online this July/August/September as we continue to deliver the latest research to you despite the continuing social distancing restrictions due to COVID-19.

This event is part of a series of five weekly online events are designed specifically for growers and advisers in Southern and Central NSW and will run on Thursdays at 9am.

Thursday 30 July - Dual purpose crops

  • Dual purpose crops - direct and indirect contributions to profit - John Kirkegaard (CSIRO)
  • Wire, water and grazing management in dual purpose crops - David Harbison (DR Agriculture)
  • Dual purpose crops discussion session - Discussion panel

Past event resources

Update Papers


Erica McKay

02 9482 4930
back to past events