GRDC Grains Research Updates, online – Re-thinking N across the farming system
11 May 2021
Region: North
Webinar theme: Re-thinking N across the farming system
- Managing water and nitrogen use efficiency across years and crop sequences to drive profit - crop legacies and learnings from regional farming systems research and longer term farming systems studies. (John Kirkegaard, CSIRO)
- Strategies for longer term nitrogen management (James Hunt, La Trobe Uni and John Kirkegaard, CSIRO)
- Grower and consultant experiences measuring grain protein variability and re-thinking N strategy (Eva Moffitt, EM Ag Consulting and Brodan Holland, grower)
Update Papers
- Managing water and N across years and crop sequences to drive profit
- Strategies for long term management of N across farming systems
Presentation slides
Erica McKay
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