GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Mungbean agronomy
29 Nov 2021
Region: North
Growing mungbeans this year?
Come and watch our panel of experts who will discuss the latest research in mungbean agronomy and how this applies to the coming season.
Topics include:
- The mungbean yield gap – what’s important?
- Nematodes – yield impact, regional variation, interaction with diseases such as fusarium wilt, measurement and impact of crop sequence.
- Soil N impact on N fixation and crop growthSoil water – starting soil water and yield, WUE benchmarks
- Growing the crop – water use and implications for irrigation/ water demand, the value of early biomass for yield, row spacing and access to soil water, stress impacts on flowering and pod set
- Windrowing and defoliation strategies
- Legacy impacts in the farming system – nitrogen, soil water, disease, nematodes and AMF
Presentation slides
Erica McKay
02 4982 4930
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