GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Canola
24 Feb 2022
Region: North
The program from the February/March 2022 GRDC Grains Research Updates has moved online. While we and many participants lament not being able to run these events face to face, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to cherry pick topics of interest to you not only from your area, but from the broader northern region.
Topics for this webinar:
- Better canola establishment from better quality grower retained seed and seed placement - key traits for seed quality and how do you grow a crop with these traits? (Col McMaster, NSW DPI)
- Managing upper canopy blackleg and sclerotinia in lower and medium rainfall canola crops. (Maurie Street, Grains Orana Alliance & Kurt Lindbeck, NSW DPI)
- Hyper yielding canola agronomy; outcomes, benchmarks decision points, key levers and interactions to capitalise on great seasons or irrigation. Varieties, N and fungicide lessons learnt. (Rohan Brill, BrillAg)
Update Papers
- Fungicide on canola in the low and medium rainfall zones of NSW – Great investment, safe insurance or a waste of money?
- Managing sclerotinia stem rot of canola in 2022
- Managing upper canopy blackleg infection (UCI) in lower and medium rainfall regions
- Hyper yielding crops lifts canola yield above 6 t/ha
Erica McKay or John Cameron
02 9482 4930
back to past events