GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Hyper yielding crops
17 Feb 2022
Region: North
The program from the February/March 2022 GRDC Grains Research Updates has moved online. While we and many participants lament not being able to run these events face to face, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to cherry pick topics of interest to you not only from your area, but from the broader northern region.
Topics for this webinar:
- Fungicide resistance update - what's happening nationally and issues for the northern grains region. (Nick Poole, FAR Australia)
- Hyper yielding cereal agronomy: outcomes benchmarks, decision points, key levers and interactions to capitalise on great seasons or irrigation. Varieties, N and fungicide lessons learnt. (Kenton Porker & Nick Poole, FAR Australia)
- Grower experience growing hyper yielding crops without irrigation - risk and rewards. (Craig Marshall, Grower, Mulwala NSW)
- Grower experience growing hyper yielding crops with irrigation - risk and rewards. (Geoff McLeod, Grower, Finley NSW)
Update papers
- Hyper yielding and irrigated crop agronomy - cereal outcomes benchmark indicators, decision points, key levers and their interactions to capitalise on great seasons or irrigation. Varieties, N and fungicide lessons learnt
- Fungicide resistance update - national situation and issues for the northern grains region
Erica McKay or John Cameron
02 9482 4930
back to past events