GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Fall armyworm (FAW) – management considerations and risk assessment
23 Feb 2024
Region: National
GRDC Grains Research Updates, online bring you the latest grains research straight to your screen. Log in for the latest farm-ready research and regionally relevant topics.
This webinar starts at 9am (AEST) (10am NSW, 9:30am ACDT, 7am AWST) and is free of charge.
Theme: Fall armyworm (FAW) -management considerations and risk assessment
- Agronomist experience with FAW this season. Ross Pomroy (Nutrien Ag Solutions, Dalby)
- The relationship between canopy damage and yield. Insights from current threshold trials with maize and sorghum. Joe Eyre (University of Qld, QAAFI)
- Key management considerations and risk assessment for FAW. Melina Miles (Qld Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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