Past events
Past events
Fully-matching results
- Mar 2024:
- ArticleSummary:
- Long-term farming systems research shows that growing one crop a year with high levels of nutrients produces the highest returns.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20240322090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 22 Mar 2024
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Soil and Nutrition
- ArticleCaption:
- The Northern Farming Systems site at harvest 2023.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 169, March-April 2024
- ArticleKeywords:
- farming systems research, Darren Aisthorpe, Central Queensland, manure
- ArticleCategory:
- Agronomy
- title:
- Could manure be the magic ingredient to improve yields?
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 578992
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleProjectCode:
- DAQ1406-003RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Rebecca Thyer
- ArticleAssetID:
- 598763
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Supplied by Darren Aisthorpe
Event submission form - GRDC Mar 2024:
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2024-03-20 10:02:58, 2024-03-20 10:02:58, 2023-10-17, 2024-03-20
- e:
- event submission form, summary
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- 51d726424c2bed84b2bca996a7e3b6a8
- I:
- j:
- issueno:
- Event submission form
- title:
- Event submission form
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- Submit an event
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- ctype:
- Other
Adapting technology with bots @theGRDC #grains #agriculture #precisionagriculture Mar 2024: Western Australian grower, Brad Jones was an early adapter of the SwarmBot technology from SwarmFarm. GRDC’s GrainInnovate program has played a key role in supporting SwarmFarm’s progress and Brad is only the third person in WA to bring a bot
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
- b:
- 467
- Date:
- 2024-03-20T04:35:31.000Z
- e:
- 8
- I:
- type:
- video
- l:
- 00:00:39
- L:
- 39
- tab:
- Media
- ctype:
- Video
- w:
- Science & Technology
The Australian Synchrotron: Crop root research taken to the next level Mar 2024: The Synchrotron in Melbourne is one of Australia's most significant pieces of scientific infrastructure and it's giving researchers a perspective on soil that they've never had before. This investment is a partnership between GRDC, the University of
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
- b:
- 340
- Date:
- 2024-03-20T23:57:55.000Z
- e:
- 6
- I:
- type:
- video
- l:
- 00:05:02
- L:
- 302
- tab:
- Media
- ctype:
- Video
- w:
- Science & Technology
- Mar 2024:
- ArticleSummary:
- New storage complexes and nutrient management plans reflect how both farming innovation and wider industry changes are playing out for Central Queensland growers Gordon, Meredith and Rohan Staal.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20240320090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 20 Mar 2024
- TitlePosition:
- middle-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Northern
- ArticleCaption:
- The Staals (Gordon, Meredith and Rohan) have built two silo complexes with a combined 4550-tonne capacity. The plan is to keep adding to them over the next four to five years.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 169, March-April 2024
- ArticleKeywords:
- grain storage, Central Queensland, silo, harvest, Rebecca Thyer, soil nutrition, farm business
- ArticleCategory:
- Grower Stories
- title:
- On-farm storage essential for timely harvest
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 578992
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 50%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- Rebecca Thyer
- ArticleAssetID:
- 598699
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Rebecca Thyer
Integrated management strategies for net form of net blotch - GRDC Mar 2024: In this episode, Nick Poole from FAR Australia gives an insight into the disease and the new research development and extension surrounding it.
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- podcastID:
- RTTNS7472421171
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2024-03-20 00:00:00
- e:
- integrated management strategies for net form of net blotch
- f:
- text/html
- podcastDuration:
- 00:00:00
- H:
- b2b54729ab0ab12bbef4d4620bcb193b
- I:
- j:
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Integrated management strategies for net form of net blotch
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 2024
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- ctype:
- Podcast
- asummary:
- In this episode, Nick Poole from FAR Australia gives an insight into the disease and the new research development and extension surrounding it.
Research Data Capture & Storage BAU Transition Mar 2024: The service provider will develop a scope of work and implementation plan to integrate data management, including quality assurance into GRDC's Investment Operating Model to optimise operational performance and overall effectiveness and ensure
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 19/03/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Providence Consulting Group Pty Ltd
- cropName:
- Chickpeas, Lentils
- contractSupervisor:
- Ali Berlioz-Nott
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 4
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2024
- cropType:
- Legume, Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- PCG2403-003SAX
CRM Refinement Work Mar 2024: Contacts in the GRDC CRM with the target audience growers, advisers and agribusiness were matched against Kynetec's KIRE Farmers database.
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 18/03/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Kynetec Australia Pty Ltd
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- By 29 June 2024 the matching of the Kynetec KIRE Farmers database with current contacts in the GRDC CRM (growers, advisers and agribusiness contacts) should be completed by the provider.
- contractSupervisor:
- Melinda Haley
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;"><div>Contacts in the GRDC CRM with the target audience growers, advisers and
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Completed
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 29/06/2024
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- KYA2403-002SAX
Genetic initiative to transform symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Australian pulse crops Mar 2024: Legume pulses, including chickpea, lentil, field pea, fababean, lupin and mungbean, are a valuable part of the grains industry in Australia because of their protein rich seeds and their ability to capture atmospheric nitrogen for growth, via
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 18/03/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Queensland
- cropName:
- Chickpeas, Faba/Broad Beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Mungbeans
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2029, Australian chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentil, lupin, and mungbean breeders will have access to germplasm with improved N2-fixing capability, reliable phenotyping tools and molecular selection methods that will enable breeding programs
- contractSupervisor:
- Michael Udvardi
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2028
- cropType:
- Legume, Legume, Legume, Legume, Legume, Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOQ2403-012RTX
- Mar 2024:
- ArticleSummary:
- Renewed vigour is being applied to narrow-leafed lupin development with a major cross institutional project upping the ante for disease resistance. Four high priority diseases will be the focus of the investment with the aim of investigating new
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20240318090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 18 Mar 2024
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Pulses
- ArticleCaption:
- Dr Elaine Gough has joined an established team working on priority lupin diseases to investigate new means of improving efficiencies to deliver disease resistance screening to breeders.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 169, March-April 2024
- ArticleKeywords:
- lupins, diseases, WAARC, Phomopsis, cucumber mosaic virus, sclerotinia, anthracnose, artificial intelligence, molecular markers
- ArticleCategory:
- Crops
- title:
- Lupins to be fortified for disease resistance
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400598
- sregion:
- West
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 20%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleProjectCode:
- DAW2305-006RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Dr Sue Knights
- ArticleAssetID:
- 598658
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Evan Collis