Past events
Past events
Fully-matching results
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Trials on the Eyre Peninsula are finding that soil amelioration may have a role to play in mitigating damage to crops from frequent and severe frost events on sandy soils.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230907090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 07 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Frost Management
- ArticleCaption:
- Andrew Ware says frost damage is particularly problematic on sandy soils across Eyre Peninsula.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- grdc, research, soils, amelioration, mitigation, cropping, sands, frost, yield, trials
- ArticleCategory:
- Agronomy
- title:
- Soil amelioration methods tested in frost mitigation trial
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 424819
- sregion:
- South
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 20%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleProjectCode:
- AIP2203-001SAX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Dr Gio Braidotti
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590732
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry estimates that the top 40 exotic pests and diseases could cost the broadacre and horticulture crop industries up to $29.3 billion in losses and put jobs at risk. Learning how to
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230906090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 06 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Biosecurity
- ArticleCaption:
- WA Grains Biosecurity Officer Jeff Russell inspecting a wheat crop for the presence of any unusual pests.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- biosecurity, pests and diseases, incursions, Plant Health Australia, Jeff Russell, grain pests, Plant Pest Hotline, MyPestGuide Reporter
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- Recognise danger signs to protect crops and industry
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 50%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- Jeff Russell, WA Grains Biosecurity Officer
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590727
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Plant Health Australia
-… Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- The field day is being held in conjunction with the International Rapeseed Congress 2023 (IRC-2023) and is expected to attract more than 120 international and Australian canola researchers and industry experts, alongside local growers.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230906110000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 06 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- top-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Events
- ArticleCaption:
- The GRDC NVT will be in attendance to discuss canola trials with growers, advisers, and breeders coming from around Australia and overseas.
- I:
- ArticleCategory:
- GRDC News
- title:
- International conference canola field day: a showcase of canola innovations and research in Wagga Wagga
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 40%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleAuthor:
- ArticleAssetID:
- 591291
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Mathew Dunn, NSW Department of Primary Industries
Emerging cereal diseases in the south, with a focus on Septoria Tritici Blotch (STB) - GRDC,-with-a-focus-on-septoria-tritici-blotch-stb6 Sep 2023: Spring is a critical time for disease detection in order to avoid or at least minimise yield losses; and already we are seeing higher infection levels than in previous years.
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- podcastID:
- RTTNS6567175845
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-09-06 09:00:00
- e:
- emerging cereal diseases in the south, with a focus on septoria tritici blotch (stb)
- f:
- text/html
- podcastDuration:
- 00:00:00
- H:
- e647209ddb781253e5a5b5e28c1c717c
- I:
- j:
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Emerging cereal diseases in the south, with a focus on Septoria Tritici Blotch (STB)
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 2023
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- ctype:
- Podcast
- podcastAssetID:
- 591279
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- AgResearch, one of seven Crown Research Institutes in New Zealand, has announced it is expanding its genetically modified and gene-edited grasses research and development program. Field trials of the GM ryegrass have been undertaken in the United
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230905090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 05 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Plant Breeding
- ArticleCaption:
- Researchers from the University of Adelaide have identified genes in barley that could lead to higher-yielding crops.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- genetic modification, GM, grains research, plant breeding, Joe Smith, ABCA, gene scene, AgResearch, barley, Matthew Tucker
- ArticleCategory:
- Innovation
- title:
- GM and gene-edited grass research program expanded
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 50%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- Dr Joe Smith, Chair, Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590722
- ArticlePhotographer:
Grain Automate Program 1 National Coordination Role Sep 2023: Grain Automate Program 1: National Coordination RoleThe national coordinator will oversee the coordination, quality assurance, and monitoring of demonstration, training, extension, and communication activities in Program 1 of the Grain Automate
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 04/09/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- AgriStart Pty Ltd
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- By March 2024, the GRDC has established a National delivery model for the Grain Automate portfolio with coordination of core deliverables across Program 1 and coordination across each program of investment.
- contractSupervisor:
- Natasha Teakle
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 03/09/2026
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- AST2309-001SAX
Developing metabolite and lipid biomarkers to select for reduced frost sensitivity in wheat Sep 2023: Frost events near flowering significantly reduce wheat yields across the Australian cropping belt. Previous research, with limited germplasm, hinted at specific plant tissue composition-metabolites and lipids-as potential contributors to underlying
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 04/09/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- cropName:
- Wheat
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2028, Australia wheat breeders have access to genetic tools to support development of wheat varieties with a minimum 1 degree Celsius reduction in sensitivity to frost during flowering.
- contractSupervisor:
- Fernanda Dreccer
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 31/12/2027
- cropType:
- Cereal
- category:
- Pre-breeding
- contractCode:
- CSP2310-008RTX
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- The ‘What’s new in Ag’ field day has been developed to showcase how growers can use advanced agricultural technology for informing decision-making during dry times and effectively navigating seasonal fluctuations.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230904100000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 04 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- top-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Events
- ArticleCaption:
- Growers are invited to a field day showcasing the latest agricultural technology advancements including the first fully autonomous fixed wing spray drone in operation.
- I:
- ArticleKeywords:
- technology, RD&E, University of Southern Queensland, crop protection, information, training, learning
- ArticleCategory:
- GRDC News
- title:
- Agtech and automation field day for growers at Tosari
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- North
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 75%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleAuthor:
- GRDC, University of Southern Queensland, the Southern QLD and Northern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub
- ArticleAssetID:
- 591239
- ArticlePhotographer:
- University of Southern Queensland
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Southern region growers who are battling acidic soils have been given the latest insights into remediation techniques and technology at a workshop in South Australia. The workshop presented trial results and research findings from the ‘Acid Soils
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230904090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 04 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Southern
- ArticleCaption:
- Bordertown grower David Kuchel and his son Benjamin. The Kuchel family are using precision agriculture techniques to combat soil acidity.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- acid soils, liming, ruby Hume, SARDI, precision agriculture, stratification, David Kuchel
- ArticleCategory:
- Grower Stories
- title:
- New technique provides insights on liming requirements
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- South
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 10%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- Andrew Cooke
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590706
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Andrew Cooke
Accelerating Genetic Gain Strategic Initiative - GRDC Sep 2023: The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) invests in RD&E for the enduring profitability of Australian grain growers. GRDC is seeking co-investment for $20 million of targeted research and development investment that will deliver a step
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-08-31, 2023-09-04
- ctype:
- Other
- e:
- accelerating genetic gain strategic initiative, summary
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- 10ac3f96aa9185c5ee81d1e9f5bb7fbd
- I:
- j:
- title:
- Accelerating Genetic Gain Strategic Initiative