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GRDC Research Scholarship - GRDC Sep 2023: The GRDC Research Scholarships (GRS) are available to undertake post-graduate research in areas of priority for the GRDC and the Australian grains industry.
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Copyright Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-09-01 09:00:00, 2023-09-01 09:00:00, 2016-08-21, 2024-09-24
- e:
- grdc research scholarship, summary
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- 5f19ed69db520c17567d69dba0252272
- I:
- j:
- issueno:
- GRDC Research Scholarship
- title:
- GRDC Research Scholarship
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- RD&, E capacity and ability
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- sregion:
- National
- ctype:
- Other
- asummary:
- The GRDC Research Scholarships (GRS) are available to undertake post-graduate research in areas of priority for the GRDC and the Australian grains industry.
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- South Australian Wimmera grower David Kuchel, whose properties on either side of the SA–Victorian border experience reliable rainfall of about 450 millimetres per year, has long struggled with extremely variable pH.In recent years, paddock mapping
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230901090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 01 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Southern
- ArticleCaption:
- South Australian Wimmera grower David Kuchel and his son Benjamin. The Kuchel family are using precision agriculture techniques to combat soil acidity.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- soil acidity, precision farming, soil mapping, liming, pH, soil testing, grid maps, David Kuchel
- ArticleCategory:
- Grower Stories
- title:
- Precision liming takes variability out of the equation
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- South
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 10%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- Andrew Cooke
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590701
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Andrew Cooke
- Sep 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- Western region panel members and staff will tour the region from September 11 – 14, meeting with local growers, grower group representatives, researchers and advisers in a range of locations including farms and trial sites.
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230901130000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 01 Sep 2023
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-right
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Events
- ArticleCaption:
- GRDC Western Panel deputy chair Juliet McDonald said panel tours were a vital part of the organisation’s ongoing consultation with growers and industry.
- I:
- ArticleKeywords:
- trial sites, growers, panel, tour, west, researchers, farms, grains
- ArticleCategory:
- GRDC News
- title:
- GRDC’s Western Panel tour to gather grower feedback in northern ag region
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 576875
- sregion:
- West
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 30%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- Media Releases
- ArticleAuthor:
- ArticleAssetID:
- 591231
- ArticlePhotographer:
Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soils. Aug 2023: Title: Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soilsThis project aims to improve our understanding of the impact of high soil strength and compaction on the growth, development, and yield of
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 31/08/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Queensland
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- Outcome: By June 2026, growers have the knowledge to improve profitability of high strength and compacted soils through crop selection, soil amelioration and/or a combination of both.
- contractSupervisor:
- Natasha Danoucaras
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/09/2026
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOQ2308-006RTX
Assessing the ecological and economic benefits of controlling aphid pests of canola with parasitoid wasps Aug 2023: Assessing the ecological and economic benefits of controlling aphid pests of canola with parasitoid waspsThis investment aims to provide canola growers and advisers with evidence-based guidelines for integrating beneficial insects into pest
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 31/08/2023
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- CESAR Pty. Ltd
- cropName:
- Canola/Rapeseed
- projectOutcomes:
- By August 2027, growers and advisers will be implementing improved integrated pest management practices in canola crops incorporating knowledge of the ecological and economic benefits of controlling aphid pests of canola with parasitoid wasps.
- contractSupervisor:
- Evatt Chirgwin
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 31/08/2027
- cropType:
- Oilseed
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- CES2307-001RTX
- Aug 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- A major risk factor for non-communicable diseases and early mortality is a diet low in wholegrains. Despite the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommending the inclusion of four to six serves of grain foods daily, mainly from wholegrains, most
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230831090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 31 Aug 2023
- TitlePosition:
- middle-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Industry Insights
- ArticleCaption:
- Most Australians do not eat the recommended amount of grain food products.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- wholegrains, grain food products, avoidable disease, Toni Gam, GLNC, legumes, nutrition council
- ArticleCategory:
- Innovation
- title:
- Wholegrains promote a healthier future
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 50%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleAuthor:
- By Toni Gam, Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council marketing and communications manager
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590685
- ArticlePhotographer:
Seasonal diseases update for canola and pulses: Northern region - GRDC Aug 2023: What signs should growers be looking for, how is and does weather affect decision making and what are the considerations for fungicide application?
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- podcastID:
- RTTNS8016412282
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 2023-08-30 09:00:00
- e:
- seasonal diseases update for canola and pulses: northern region
- f:
- text/html
- podcastDuration:
- 00:00:00
- H:
- 0509e4384fa0296979c0cd60b1f72273
- I:
- j:
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Seasonal diseases update for canola and pulses: Northern region
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 2023
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- ctype:
- Podcast
- podcastAssetID:
- 591034
- asummary:
- What signs should growers be looking for, how is and does weather affect decision making and what are the considerations for fungicide application?
- Aug 2023:
- ArticleSummary:
- The first detection of stripe rust on 7 July this year was about nine weeks later than in 2022; then, it was first detected on 20 May and one of the worst stripe rust epidemics experienced in eastern Australia ensued. Reports of stripe rust after
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20230830090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 30 Aug 2023
- TitlePosition:
- top-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Diseases
- ArticleCaption:
- A widespread stripe rust epidemic in eastern Australian wheat crops in 2022 resulted in significant costs to the industry through yield loss and the need to use fungicide.
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 166, September-October 2023
- ArticleKeywords:
- wheat rust, stripe rust, Robert Park, cereal rust pathogen, green bridge, rust virulence, varietal response
- ArticleCategory:
- Weeds, Pests and Diseases
- title:
- First reports of wheat stripe rust for 2023 suggest widespread over-seasoning
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400580
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 50%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleProjectCode:
- UOS1707-003RTX, UOS1801-001RTX, UOS1801-004RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- By Professor Robert Park and Dr Mumta Chhetri, Plant Breeding Institute
- ArticleAssetID:
- 590680
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Robert Park
Disease management update in cereals - GRDC Aug 2023: Don’t automatically farm the 2023 crop with 2022 disease management strategies. Following the very wet 2022 season, STB is widespread in the base of many wheat crops. However, unless it is wet during stem elongation, it is unlikely to spread up
- image:
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 30/08/2023, 2023-08-30 00:00:00, 2023-08-21, 2023-08-21
- e:
- disease management update in cereals, summary
- pcode:
- CUR2302-002RTX, TRE2204-001RTX, DJPR2104-004RTX
- aauthor:
- Nick Poole, Darcy Warren, Tom Price (Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia)
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- cd7a019f5b8efc42cb79064e4d9145f4
- j:
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Disease management update in cereals
- title:
- Disease management update in cereals
- tags:
- fungicide resistance and reduced sensitivity, Septoria tritici blotch (STB), stripe rust, wheat powdery mildew (WPM).
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 08
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- sregion:
- South
- s:
- fungicide resistance and reduced sensitivity, Septoria tritici blotch (STB), stripe rust, wheat powdery mildew (WPM).
- ctype:
- Update Paper
- sstate:
- South Australia
- asummary:
- Don’t automatically farm the 2023 crop with 2022 disease management strategies. Following the very wet 2022 season, STB is widespread in the base of many wheat crops. However, unless it is wet during stem elongation, it is unlikely to spread up
Emerging blackleg challenges this season - GRDC Aug 2023: Seedling infection levels of blackleg in 2022 were not severe, as the season prior to spring was very conducive for excellent plant growth. Crown canker was low due to good blackleg resistant cultivars, highly effective SDHI fungicides and most
- image:
- a:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- b:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Date:
- 30/08/2023, 2023-08-30 00:00:00, 2023-08-21, 2023-08-21
- e:
- emerging blackleg challenges this season, summary
- pcode:
- UOM1904-004RTX, UOM1306-001RMX, CSP1706-015RMX, MGP1905-001SAX
- aauthor:
- Alec McCallum (School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne,Marcroft Grains Pathology) , Steve Marcroft, Nick Perndt (Marcroft Grains Pathology), Angela Van de Wouw (School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne), Susie Sprague (CSIRO Agriculture
- f:
- text/html
- H:
- 54a82bb53df171c764d72f384f280dde
- j:
- l:
- en-AU
- issueno:
- Emerging blackleg challenges this season
- title:
- Emerging blackleg challenges this season
- tags:
- blackleg, canola, seed treatment, stubble management
- p:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- aissueno:
- 08
- thumbfocus:
- thumb-focus-center
- sregion:
- South
- s:
- blackleg, canola, seed treatment, stubble management
- ctype:
- Update Paper
- sstate:
- South Australia
- asummary:
- Seedling infection levels of blackleg in 2022 were not severe, as the season prior to spring was very conducive for excellent plant growth. Crown canker was low due to good blackleg resistant cultivars, highly effective SDHI fungicides and most