Past events
Past events
Fully-matching results
Program 2 - International host/pathogen differential sets: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea… Jul 2024: Chickpea is an important pulse crop globally, with Ascochyta blight one of the main diseases affecting yield. This GRDC-funded project led by ICARDA will continue from GRDC investment ICA2007-001RTX and aims to deliver a differential set of chickpea
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)
- cropName:
- Chickpeas
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2030, varieties with improved levels of AB resistance are available to growers, and incorporated into an integrated disease management package leading to at least 20% increase in profitability to the Australian chickpea growers.
- contractSupervisor:
- Aladdin Hamwieh
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2027
- cropType:
- Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- ICA2407-001RTX
Program 3 - Improved genetic resistance: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2) Jul 2024: This project aims to improve chickpea yield stability and increase grower profitability by reducing losses associated with the disease Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by the fungus Ascochyta rabiei. The project builds on results of Phase 1 investment
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Adelaide
- cropName:
- Chickpeas
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2030, varieties with improved levels of AB resistance are available to growers, and incorporated into an integrated disease management package leading to at least 20% increase in profitability to the Australian chickpea growers.
- contractSupervisor:
- Janine Croser
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2027
- cropType:
- Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOA2407-001RTX
Program 1 - Pathogen studies: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea (Phase 2) Jul 2024: Ascochyta blight (AB) is a major disease in chickpea that is caused by the Ascochyta rabiei fungi and can lead to significant damages to crops and yield losses under favourable conditions when not managed. Our previous studies shown that Ascochyta
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Griffith University
- cropName:
- Chickpeas
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2030, varieties with improved levels of AB resistance are available to growers, and incorporated into an integrated disease management package leading to at least 20% increase in profitability to the Australian chickpea growers.
- contractSupervisor:
- Ido Bar
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;"><div>Ascochyta blight (AB) is a major disease in chickpea that is caused by the
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2027
- cropType:
- Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- GRI2407-001RTX
Program 4 - Largescale phenotyping and development of IDM strategies: Effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of… Jul 2024: Ascochyta blight is the greatest disease threat to the Australian chickpea industry and can result in complete crop loss. Currently there are limited genetic options, and therefore, management is reliant on multiple fungicide applications. To
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- cropName:
- Chickpeas
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2030, varieties with improved levels of AB resistance are available to growers and incorporated into an integrated disease management package leading to at least 20% increase in profitability to the Australian chickpea growers.
- contractSupervisor:
- Joshua Fanning
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2027
- cropType:
- Legume
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- DEE2407-001RTX
Nanotechnology enabled CRISPR gene editing in crops Jul 2024: Genome editing of elite varieties of crops is important to generate germplasm that are high-yielding, climate resilient and pathogen resistant. The standard workflow involves the delivery of biomolecule (CRISPR, DNA, RNA), selection of transformants
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Australian National University
- cropName:
- Barley, Oats, Wheat, All Pulses, Canola/Rapeseed
- projectOutcomes:
- PhD students will have developed skills and knowledge to conduct RD&E in areas aligned to GRDC strategy; and have the understanding and networks to continue to positively impact the Australian grains industry.
- contractSupervisor:
- Kai Xun Chan
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="color:#000000; display:inline !important; float:none;
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/12/2027
- cropType:
- Cereal, Cereal, Cereal, Legume, Oilseed
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- ANU2407-001RSX
GRS - Enzyme-assisted deconstruction of lignocellulose and reconstruction into high value bio-derived advanced materials for CO2 conversion Jul 2024: Enzyme-assisted deconstruction of lignocellulose and reconstruction into high value bio-derived advanced materials for CO2 conversionThis project falls under the ARC Centre of Excellence for Green Electrochemical Transformation of Carbon Dioxide
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- The University of Queensland
- cropName:
- Barley, Oats, Wheat, All Pulses, Canola/Rapeseed
- contractSupervisor:
- Darren Martin
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;"><div><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 3
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 31/12/2027
- cropType:
- Cereal, Cereal, Cereal, Legume, Oilseed
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UOQ2407-003RSX
Part B: Enhancing Rhizobia resources to improve N fixation in pulse crops across Australia Jul 2024: Legumes fix an estimated 3.5 million tonnes of nitrogen pa in Australian agriculture, equivalent to an annual fertiliser cost of $3.5 billion. Inoculating legumes with highly effective rhizobia is key to the ongoing success of this nitrogen fixation
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Murdoch University
- cropName:
- Barley, Oats, Wheat, All Pulses, Canola/Rapeseed
- projectOutcomes:
- By 2027, Australian growers are achieving and/or exceeding the N fixation frontier with access to superior Group N (chickpea) and I (mungbean) rhizobia strains and adoption of associated management practices.
- contractSupervisor:
- Jason Terpolilli
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div>Legumes fix an estimated 3.5 million tonnes of nitrogen pa in Australian
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2028
- cropType:
- Cereal, Cereal, Cereal, Legume, Oilseed
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- UMU2407-001RTX
QDAF Seasonal status of pests and diseases delivered to growers Jul 2024: This investment will facilitate the integration of surveillance and diagnostics of established pests and diseases of the Australian grain industry to provide growers with timely seasonal biotic threat levels, with capacity to respond to epidemics
- region2:
- All Northern Subregions, All Southern Subregions, All WA Subregions
- region3:
- All Northern Region states (NSW & Qld), All Southern Region states (Vic, SA & Tas), WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- From 2024 growers will reduce the seasonal impact on pests and disease by having access to pest and disease diagnostics, be more prepared / better informed / more capable of pest and disease identification and the industry will have seasonal data on
- contractSupervisor:
- Lisa Kelly
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- North, South, West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 29/06/2029
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- DAQ2407-001RTX
Transforming water and nutrient use efficiency in WA Grain Production Jul 2024: This strategic partnership will integrate soil and nutrition RD&E across regional WA, providing efficiencies, agility and enhanced outcomes. It aims to provide environmental and economic performance data on a range of technologies and management
- region2:
- All WA Subregions
- region3:
- WA
- Date:
- 01/07/2024
- contractType:
- projectProvider:
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- cropName:
- All Crops
- projectOutcomes:
- By 30 June 2029, Western Australian grain growers have access to new soil amelioration practices to realise step-changes in water use efficiency (>10%), matched with appropriate nutrient management and agronomy to realise new crop yield frontiers.
- contractSupervisor:
- Stephen Davies
- projectFullSummary:
- <div data-wrapper="true" dir="ltr" style="font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; font-size:9pt"><div><span style="font-size:11pt"><span
- projectPathway:
- 2
- projectStatus:
- Active
- sregion:
- West
- tab:
- Investments
- ctype:
- Investments
- projectEnd:
- 30/06/2029
- cropType:
- All Crops
- category:
- Not categorised
- contractCode:
- DAW2407-001SPX
- Jul 2024:
- ArticleSummary:
- A new wave of strategically planned GRDC oat investments is set to build on a firm investment portfolio for the crop. Designed in close consultation with industry and with significant industry support, these new investments will position oats to
- LastUpdatedDate:
- 19700101
- Date:
- 20240701090000
- ArticlePubDate:
- 01 Jul 2024
- TitlePosition:
- bottom-left
- ArticleSubCategory:
- Cereals
- ArticleCaption:
- InterGrain staff members Dr Haelee Fenton (left) and Dr Dini Ganesalingam (right) are leading programs within GRDC’s new Oat Grain Quality Consortium that will be key to providing breeder Dr Allan Rattey with new oat traits that align with market
- I:
- ArticleEdition:
- Issue 170, May-June 2024
- ArticleKeywords:
- oats, quality, consortium, InterGrain, Septoria, oat crown rust, Traitomic,
- ArticleCategory:
- Crops
- title:
- GRDC launches new wave of oat investments
- url:
- CoreTextUser:
- 400598
- sregion:
- National
- ImageFocusPoint:
- 20%
- tab:
- News
- ctype:
- GroundCover
- ArticleProjectCode:
- IGP2305-002RTX, IGP2401-001RTX, UOA2401-006RTX, TRA2309-001SAX, IGP2103-001AWX, UMU2003-002RTX, CSP2204-007RTX
- ArticleAuthor:
- Dr Sue Knights
- ArticleAssetID:
- 600586
- ArticlePhotographer:
- Evan Collis