

GRDC Code: GGA2110-002SAX
Closing the Economic Yield Gap for Grain Legumes in Western Australia

Grain legumes currently contribute in a small and diminishing way to the profitability of Western Australian farming systems. GRDC analysis indicates farmers are aware of the benefits of growing a legume in their rotation but have concerns about pulse reliability and profitability and lack confidence in their consistent production after decades of disappointment. Consequently, Western Australian farmers have been slow to exploit recent advances in grain legume genetics, acid-tolerant rhizobia, management strategies, weed and disease protection products. This situation requires an extensive technical and extension program to change grower sentiment and drive the new capabilities into profitable cropping systems.

The project will define agronomic, financial, and market information to help farmers and advisors decide which pulse to grow and where, and ultimately build confidence in using pulses in WA. It will also identify research gaps and inform future research needs.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Pulses, (Legume)
  • Chickpeas, (Legume)
  • Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
  • Field Peas, (Legume)
  • Lentils, (Legume)
  • Lupins, (Legume)
Grower Group Alliance
Project status
status icon Active



Legume Leaders – Jason Batten: Growing vetch on high pH soils - GRDC

In this episode, Jason tells us about how experimenting with serradella led him to growing vetch and how its stacks...

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Legume Leaders – Neil Smith: Lessons learned about chickpeas - GRDC

Host: GRDC | Date: 18 Sep 2024. More about this podcast. Neil Smith farms at Merredin in Western Australia and...

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Legume Leaders – Mark Preston: Using faba beans to help with disease control - GRDC

West Cranbrook grower Mark Preston has found faba beans were suited to more soil types on his farm than what...

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Legume Leaders – Peter Daw: growing field peas for profit - GRDC

Host: GRDC | Date: 24 Jul 2024. More about this podcast. At Ravensthorpe in Western Australia, about 200km west of...

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Legume Leaders – Ed Naisbitt: getting the most from your lupin crop - GRDC

In this episode, Ed tells us about why he has stuck with lupins for four decades and the many benefits...

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Legume Leaders – Introduction: benefits and constraints to the adoption of grain legumes - GRDC

In this introductory episode, we’re joined by GGA project manager Daniel Kidd and DPIRD senior research scientist Mark Seymour to...

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