

GRDC Code: OCR2308-001AWX
NGN - Water management and soil amelioration study tour - O'Connor Research Group
Title: NGN - Water Management and Soil Amelioration Study Tour

The O'Connor Research Group members have identified a need for better understanding and practices related to water management and soil amelioration in the Cunderdin area. To address this, they propose a study tour to regions where successful solutions have been implemented. By visiting these regions and engaging with growers in the Esperance port zone, the ORG members aim to gain valuable insights and knowledge that can be applied to improve water management and soil amelioration practices in their own area.

1. Increased knowledge and understanding of effective water management strategies for heavier soil types.
2. Enhanced understanding of soil amelioration techniques and their applicability in the Cunderdin area.
3. Exchange of ideas and experiences with growers in the Esperance port zone, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
4. Development of recommendations and best practices for water management and soil amelioration in the Cunderdin area based on the study tour findings.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
O'Connor Research Group Incorporated
Project status
status icon Completed