A Growers Perspective On Micronutrient Foliar Application
A Growers Perspective On Micronutrient Foliar Application
Host: Hilary Sims | Date: 01 Apr 2020
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A grain grower survey conducted across 25 farm businesses in Western Australia’s northern agricultural region found the majority considered their cereal crop yields were being adversely affected by the inefficient use of micronutrients.
In this podcast, grower Dylan Hirsch, based at Latham in WA, talks us through this survey and the broader GRDC investment behind it.
The investment is a two-year project that aims to identify the requirements for, and benefits of, micronutrient foliar application in medium-to-low rainfall areas of WA’s Northern Agricultural Region.
The research project is led by Western Australian grain grower group, the Liebe Group, in partnership with Murdoch University. Mr Hirsch is a member of the research group.
Dylan Hirsch
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