Crop Establishment - WA

Crop Establishment - WA

Host: | Date: 13 Feb 2019

More about this podcast

Changing weather patterns mean WA growers are often attempting to sow and get crops established in a warming and dry period. Although, there is often a reasonable level of subsoil moisture from summer rains, which are more common than in the past, to help boost establishment if accessed by roots.  
Geraldton and Kwinana East port zone growers are particularly interested in examining the factors that could be impacting on crop emergence.  Most of these involve deeper seed placement for access to subsoil moisture, although crops vary in their ability to handle deeper sowing.
GRDC has invested in a case study/booklet project aiming to provide an overview of the latest research into crop establishment for these regions - as well as examples of the successful management practices/tactics being used by growers in the regions. Seeing what others are doing should help growers to make informed decisions to achieve improved crop germination and establishment in a drying soil profile, lessening the risk of crop failure and reduced returns.

Further information

Dylan Hirsch
Latham WA
0408 790 816

GRDC project code: 9176147

Tactics to improve crop establishment in a drying soil profile for Geraldton and Kwinana East port zone growers: An Initiative of the Regional Cropping Solutions Network.

Julieanne Hill
RCSN Co-ordinator
0447 261 607

Related podcasts on soil constraints

GRDC Project Code: 9176147,