Hyper Yielding Cereals Project

Host: | Date: 17 Jul 2019

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Grain growers in Tasmania could be averaging cereal yields of 7 tonnes per hectare. The top 10 percent of those growers could be doing double that tonnage.

This is a major outcome the Hyper Yielding Cereals project wants to see after 5 years of Research, Development and Extension.

This podcast will take you to Hagley in northern Tasmania where the GRDC has invested in a major trial to lift feed wheat and barley yields, as well as improve grain quality and reduce the need for the island state to import cereals.

Leading the Hyper Yielding Cereals R&D team is Nick Poole from FAR Australia.

Further information:


Nick Poole: Managing Director
Foundation for Arable Research Australia
Address: 23 High Street, Inverleigh, Victoria, 3321, Australia
Ph: +61 3 5265 1290  ● Fax: +61 3 5265 1601 ● Mobile: +61 499 888 066
Web:  www.far.org.nz (http://www.far.org.nz/)