Improving input use – a case study with James Venning and Andrew Sargent

Host: | Date: 29 May 2024

More about this podcast

Precision agriculture has been around for a while and it's meant to make a difference for the better, but does it always? In this episode we’re joined by two growers in similar parts of South Australia who have different takes on the value of precision ag or PA. James Venning, near Bute, has continually experimented with everything from variable-rate seeders to protein monitors. Nearby at Crystal Brook, Andrew Sargent's family were early adopters of precision ag.

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James Venning
Bute grower

Andrew Sargent
Crystal Brook grower

More information

GroundCover – What value can precision ag tools bring to your business?

GroundCover – New SPAA manual brings grower insight to precision ag

GRDC Project Code: SPA2201-001SAX,