Managing Cereal Disease in 2023 (Part 1)

Managing Cereal Disease in 2023 (Part 1)

Host: | Date: 22 Feb 2023

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For many South Australian growers, 2022 was a cracker season, but the weather and other factors did lead to some cereal disease.

So what does 2023 have in store, and what to do to keep disease at bay?

Dr Tara Garrard is a cereal pathologist at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), the research division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions in South Australia.

She has a project looking at Septoria Tritici Blotch, working out how it behaves in low and medium rainfall zones… but Tara says there are other diseases to be aware of as you go into the sowing.


Tara Garrard, PIRSA-SARDI

Robert Park, University of Sydney

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