Soybean success

Soybean success

Host: | Date: 07 Aug 2024

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The Australian soybean industry has received a boost with a new online soybean manual and a series of workshops. The initiatives are part of GRDC’s investment which aims to reinvigorate the soybean industry, particularly in the northern region. The investment is also supporting growers to optimise the production and reliability of soybean yield and also identify the key agronomic practice and future opportunities required for the sustainable growth in the Australian soybean industry. GRDC has partnered with Soy Australia, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries to develop the online Soybean Production Manual: A complete guide to growing soybean in Australia.

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Judy Plath
Soy Australia

More information

GRDC YouTube - Improving soybean success: Coastal soy agronomy workshops & online manual

Soybean Production Manual

Soy Australia

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