News and media releases
News and media releases
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Welcome to Tamworth! GRDC panel tour kicks off this week
10.09.2024GRDC northern panel is on its way to Tamworth to gain first hand knowledge from grain growers and farm advisers in the region.
Region: North
Project aims to boost nitrogen benefit of chickpea and mungbean…
05.09.2024Legumes fix an estimated 3.5 million tonnes of nitrogen in Australian agriculture each year, equivalent to an annual fertiliser cost of $3.5 billion. This investment will focus on identifying strains with potential as superior inoculants for Group N
Region: National
Popular harvester set-up workshops coming to SA, Victoria
03.09.2024A series of harvester workshops will roll-out across the South Australian and Victorian grainbelts in September to bring together harvester specialists, industry experts and researchers to give grain growers the latest advice ahead of this
Region: South
$4M GRDC research consortium to tackle septoria in oats
02.09.2024A new research consortium has been established to close knowledge gaps around Septoria avenae leaf blotch, a significant disease in Australian oat crops.
Region: National
Great southern region on the agenda for GRDC spring panel tour
30.08.2024GRDC’s regional panels play a critical advisory and strategic role in informing GRDC investments in research, development and extension (RD&E) to create enduring profitability for grain growers.
Region: West
New summer weed control app helps growers understand costs
27.08.2024A $310,835 investment initiative of GRDC in partnership with CSIRO, the $ummer weeds decision support tool was officially launched at the 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference in Brisbane.
Region: National
Seeking the optimal harvester set up? Workshops head north to…
27.08.2024GRDC Harvester Set-up Workshops are planned across four dates and locations, hosted by FarmLink Research in collaboration with local growers and grower groups.
Region: North
Australian faba bean growers to benefit from renewed breeding…
26.08.2024Faba bean is one of Australia's major cool season food legumes with production extending over a wide eco-geographic range including Victoria, South Australia, northern New South Wales and southern Queensland.
Region: National
GRDC invests $11M in collaborative projects for WA
23.08.2024Four new research, development and extension projects underway in 2024 are set to deliver sustainability and profitability gains for Western Australian grain growers on-farm across areas such as nitrogen use efficiency, disease resistance and
Region: West
MLA and GRDC join forces in $2.1m initiative to support mixed…
22.08.2024The joint project is targeting businesses producing both livestock and grain across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Region: South