Development of a Soil Health Framework for Australian agricultural production systems

Development of a Soil Health Framework for Australian agricultural production systems

Reference number: PROC-9177119
Release date:
Monday 16 September 2024
Closing time:
Monday 28 October 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time
Enquiry deadline:
Monday 21 October 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time


Healthy soils underpin high performing, efficient and profitable agricultural production systems. The value capture opportunities for protecting and/or enhancing soil health on-farm include; increased production/yield, improved input use efficiencies and reduced costs, access to existing or emerging markets (and potential price premiums), access to (cheaper) finance, enhanced natural capital and potential biodiversity and/or carbon credit schemes.

A key gap for Australian producers to capture value is the lack of a common definition and approach for quantifying, monitoring and reporting soil health against relevant benchmarks. An integrated Soil Health Framework that defines soil health and provides measurable, interpretable, and decision-useful indicators will generate the evidence base for sustainable soil management practices that enable producers to measure, monitor, manage and report the status of their soil health, thereby demonstrating their sustainability credentials whilst driving more resilient and profitable production systems.

Importantly, a standard approach across the agricultural industry, that is practical, cost-effective and appropriate for Australian conditions, provides an opportunity to set the agenda and future-proof Australian agricultural production systems, ensuring Australian producers remain competitive in an increasingly challenging global market and changing climate.

Offer period

Offers will remain open for acceptance by the GRDC for a period of 6 months after the Closing Time.

Document contact and enquiries

Attention: Kim Gilbert
Grains Research and Development Corporation

Make all requests for further information or clarification in relation to this procurement in writing (email) prior to 21 October 2024.

GRDC will publish all requests and responses to requests on the GRDC website under Questions and Answers at the bottom of this webpage.

Consortia response

GRDC will accept Tenders from Consortia. GRDC will enter into a two-party research contract with the preferred tenderer, with project partners and collaborators to be sub-contractors to the agreement.

Lodgement of Tender

Submit your Tender response electronically through the Grains Investment Portal.





Proposed Budget

Proposed Contract & Term

Conditions for Participation

Minimum Form and Content Requirements

Evaluation Criteria

Lodging a Tender

Questions and Answers