Development of genetic selection tools for improved canola acid soils tolerance - Phase 2

Development of genetic selection tools for improved canola acid soils tolerance - Phase 2

Reference number: PROC-9177126
Release date:
Thursday 24 October 2024
Closing time:
Friday 20 December 2024, at 02:00 PM ACT local time
Enquiry deadline:
Friday 06 December 2024, at 02:00 PM ACT local time


Canola is Australia's third largest crop by value and the most important break crop for cereal production. At low pH exchangeable aluminium (Al3+), manganese (Mn3+) and hydrogen (H+) ions get solubilised into a solution form. Canola in Western Australia is mostly grown on sandy-textured soils, which are prone to acidity and contain Aluminium ions at concentrations that are toxic to the plant and at concentrations > 10 mg/kg below 10cm can reduce yield by > 50% in low rainfall environments. Aluminium can rapidly inhibit root growth at micromolar concentrations.

New canola varieties with soil acid tolerance can support management approaches such as liming to significantly raise canola production on acidic soils in regions with soil pH < 4.8 at 10cm. This includes large areas of Western Australia and significant grain production hectares in South East NSW, Wimmera and Central Vic, Southern Vic, Tasmania, Lower EP, York Peninsula, Mid North SA and Southern SA. Whilst surface acidity can be ameliorated by applying lime, it is more challenging to incorporate lime deeper and can take several years before these soils are productive.

Offer period

Offers will remain open for acceptance by the GRDC for a period of 6 months after the Closing Time.

Document contact and enquiries

Attention: Sarah Marchioro
Grains Research and Development Corporation

Make all requests for further information or clarification in relation to this procurement in writing (email) prior to 2pm 6 December 2024.

GRDC will publish all requests and responses to requests on the GRDC website under Questions and Answers at the bottom of this webpage.

Consortia response

GRDC will accept Tenders from Consortia.

Lodgement of Tender

Submit your Tender response electronically through the Grains Investment Portal.





Proposed Budget

Proposed Contract & Term

Conditions for Participation

Minimum Form and Content Requirements

Evaluation Criteria

Lodging a Tender


Questions and Answers