Development of soil water repellency management options for Australian grain growers

Development of soil water repellency management options for Australian grain growers

Reference number: PROC-9177131
Release date:
Friday 11 October 2024
Closing time:
Monday 18 November 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time
Enquiry deadline:
Monday 11 November 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time
Industry briefing
Refer to Clause 10 RFT Terms and Conditions on how to register.


Soil water repellency (SWR) is a condition that makes soils temporarily resist wetting, restricting water availability for crops. SWR is associated with the presence of organic material in the soil, with incidence and severity influenced by plant type and species, crop rotation, stubble load and breakdown. SWR affects more than 5M hectares in Western and Southern Australia and costs growers an estimated $100 million per annum through reduced yield due to reduced crop germination, nutrient storage and availability, and plant-available water.

Currently growers use expensive and challenging techniques to manage SWR, such as strategic tillage, spading ($150/ha on average conducted every 3-5 years), clay application ($800/ha on average conducted once) on or near row seeding or annual applications of wetters (up to $22/ha applied annually). Given the unpredictable and transient nature of SWR alongside a lack of understanding where and when to target soil amelioration, wetters are applied as an insurance option, despite current wetter chemistry being inadequate to overcome SWR and under certain instances could be exacerbating the issue.

The outcome of this proposed research will allow growers to better manage and mitigate the impact of SWR through increased understanding of crop and pasture species, stubble, and farming systems on the expression of SWR, in contrasting seasons and soil types.

Offer period

Offers will remain open for acceptance by the GRDC for a period of 6 months after the Closing Time.

Document contact and enquiries

Attention: Kim Gilbert
Grains Research and Development Corporation

Make all requests for further information or clarification in relation to this procurement in writing (email) prior to Monday, 11 November 2024.

GRDC will publish all requests and responses to requests on the GRDC website under Questions and Answers at the bottom of this webpage.

Consortia response

GRDC will not accept Tenders from Consortia.

Lodgement of Tender

Submit your Tender response electronically through the Grains Investment Portal.






Proposed Budget

Proposed Contract & Term

Conditions for Participation

Minimum Form and Content Requirements

Evaluation Criteria

Lodging a Tender

Questions and Answers