Review and update of the Owner Reimbursement Cost Evidence Framework for the grains industry
Review and update of the Owner Reimbursement Cost Evidence Framework for the grains industry
- Release date:
- Monday 16 December 2024
- Closing time:
- Thursday 23 January 2025, at 05:00 PM ACT local time
- Enquiry deadline:
- Thursday 16 January 2025, at 05:00 PM ACT local time
To ensure the future viability and sustainability of the Australian grains industry, it is important to mitigate risks from exotic pests and respond effectively to plant pest threats. The Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) is an agreement between government and industry that establishes national governance and investment in responding to and eradicating emergency plant pests (EPPs). Under the EPPRD, growers affected by response activities may qualify for reimbursement of certain costs or losses, known as owner reimbursement costs (ORCs).
The current Evidence Framework for Owner Reimbursement Costs for the Grains Industry v1 was published in 2007. Given the significant evolution of the grains industry since then, there is a necessity to review and update this framework to reflect the current situation. This includes consideration for all present Australian grain crops, with adaptations to account for crop and regional variations. The GRDC is investing in updating the ORC evidence framework, including an annual update of this document throughout the life of the investment. This will require consultation with the grains industry and supply chain, along with the provision of cost estimates involved in producing grain crops in Australia.
Offer period
Offers will remain open for acceptance by the GRDC for a period of 6 months after the Closing Time.
Document contact and enquiries
Attention: Wendy Bosci
Grains Research and Development Corporation
Make all requests for further information or clarification in relation to this procurement in writing (email) prior to 16 January 2025.
GRDC will publish all requests and responses to requests on the GRDC website under Questions and Answers at the bottom of this webpage.
Note: Q&A will not be available from 25 December 2024 to 1 January 2025.
Consortia response
GRDC will not accept Tenders from Consortia.
Lodgement of Tender
Submit your Tender response electronically through the Grains Investment Portal.