Open tenders

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Listed are the opportunities currently available. Prospective applicants are encouraged to read the terms and conditions before applying.

Note: Request for Tender (RFT) Terms and Conditions apply to all RFTs where tenderers are required to submit their responses via the Grains Investment Portal.

For information about our Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) and other investments, view our Other opportunities.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission(NACC) began its operations on 1 July 2023. Contract Service Providers of GRDC (as defined by the NACC Act 2022) will be under the jurisdiction of the NACC for if a corrupt conduct issue arises.

NGN: Soils Management Video Series


As a part of the recently concluded investment PLT1909-001SAX- Maintain the longevity of soils constraints investments and increase grower adoption through extension - western region GRDC contracted Anvil Media to film a video titled Get the most out of deep ripping: Tips on choice, set up and use of deep rippers.

RFT Number


Closing date & time

Monday 5th of August 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time


Release date: Thursday 27th of June 2024
Last updated: Thursday 27th of June 2024

Full Details

Identifying investment gaps and opportunities for building community trust and acceptance in the Australian grains industry


GRDC is looking to understand the current landscape surrounding community trust of agricultural industries, including past and current research and development, and identify where high impact investment can occur to build and maintain trust in the Australian grains industry into the future. This consultancy will consider how to influence and build trust within the broad Australian community, how to continue measuring trust and the role GRDC and growers can play in this space. The consultant will submit a report to GRDC that provides a clear list of gaps and priorities for investment for targeted investment opportunities to maintain and build trust of the grains industry within the Australian community.

RFT Number


Closing date & time

Wednesday 17th of July 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time


Release date: Friday 21st of June 2024
Last updated: Monday 24th of June 2024

Full Details

Determining source to sink relationships in canola and identifying exploitable genetic diversity


Canola is Australia’s third most valuable crop and is also the most important break crop for Australian wheat production. The physiological framework for crop yield improvement in many crops is generally well established and has been used to direct R&D approaches to improve water-limited yield potential for some time; however, understanding and application varies between crops. In wheat for example, the key drivers are well understood and have been manipulated for yield improvement in different target production environments, whereas canola which is a younger crop in Australia in comparison, the key drivers for WLYP are not so well understood. Through this investment we want to define the canola genetic factors that impact on growth in the critical period and what influences seed number and size in target production zones. For example, an understanding of the role and production of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in the plant and their availability during the critical period for movement to the seed may be of importance to improving the ratio of biomass to seed yield, or harvest index (HI). Whilst determining the genetic factors that impact growth, seed number, size and quality in the critical period it will also be important that there is an understanding of how agronomic practices may impact these traits.

RFT Number


Closing date & time

Friday 23rd of August 2024, at 02:00 PM ACT local time


Release date: Friday 21st of June 2024
Last updated: Tuesday 25th of June 2024

Full Details

Advancing genetic improvements in barley heat tolerance during flowering and grain fill


GRDC is looking to invest to deliver a suite of breeder-deployable outputs that will support commercial barley breeding companies develop genetically improved late-stage heat-stress tolerant barley varieties. This five-year project will leverage foundational knowledge and outputs at varying levels of development from previous pre-breeding research, integrating, and transitioning them from the discovery phase to the delivery phase. There is scope also to explore alternative and cost-effective high-throughput phenotyping (HTP) methods for heat stress screening and novel sources.

RFT Number


Closing date & time

Thursday 3rd of October 2024, at 05:00 PM ACT local time


Release date: Monday 6th of May 2024
Last updated: Thursday 30th of May 2024

Full Details

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