Tips and Tactics: Cereal Cyst Nematode, 2017

Published: 1 Mar 2017

Tips and Tactics Cereal Cyst Nematode Cover image

Key points:

  • Be aware of the risk of cereal cyst nematode (CCN) and monitor paddocks if growing susceptible varieties.
  • CCN affects wheat, barley, oat and triticale and can cause yield losses >70% in intolerant varieties.
  • CCN is most widely distributed in sandy and clay soils in South Australia and Victoria. It is not regarded as a pest in Queensland nor most of New South Wales but is a problem in some parts of southern NSW and Western Australia.
  • Check current cereal disease guides to determine the resistance rating of varieties (see state government websites and National Varieties Trial Online).
  • CCN can be identified in spring when the cysts become visible on the roots of affected plants.
  • Have your agronomist test paddocks before choosing varieties.
  • If you have been growing susceptible cereals, make sure you rotate crops and remain vigilant.
  • Once a crop is affected, very little can be done to protect that crop.
  • If you had CCN this season, sow a resistant variety or non-host crop next season.

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Region: National

GRDC Project Code: DAV00128, DAV00144,