Personal Property Security Register – assisting growers to manage credit risk

Personal Property Security Register – assisting growers to manage credit risk

Published: 2 Nov 2017

Personal Property Security Register – assisting growers to manage credit risk Fact Sheet cover image

Key points

  • The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (PPSA) aims to regulate the registration and priority of security interests over personal property. The register enacted under the PPSA, the Personal Property Securities Register (Register), is a national online noticeboard of interests for almost anything other than land, buildings or fixtures
  • Having a contract of sale or set terms is no longer enough to protect your interests in personal property

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GRDC Project Code ORM00015

Region: South

Farm business management fact sheet: Personal Property Security Register – assisting growers to manage credit risk (PDF 0.3 mb)

Region: South

GRDC Project Code: ORM00015,