Resistance management strategy for the Redlegged Earth Mite in Australian grains and pastures

Resistance management strategy for the Redlegged Earth Mite in Australian grains and pastures

Published: 25 Jun 2018

Key points

  • The redlegged earth mite (RLEM) is an important pest of germinating crops and pastures across Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and southern New South Wales.
  • Four chemical sub-groups are registered to control RLEM in grain crops: organophosphates (Group 1B); synthetic pyrethroids (Group 3A); phenylpyrazoles (Group 2B); and neonicotinoids (Group 4A). The latter two are registered only for use as seed treatments.
  • Resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates in RLEM is widespread in WA. These resistances are also present in parts of SA, and will spread to other regions under current pest management practices.
  • Strategies to address insecticide resistance in RLEM are available to growers and their advisers. These provide a selection of management options, while also emphasising the importance of rotating chemical groups between mite generations and using a wider selection of chemicals.

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