Green Bridge
Green Bridge
Published: 16 Jul 2020
The green bridge is the mass of vegetation in paddocks and non-crop land after summer rain. This fact sheet provides control options and helps growers know what to look for.
- Weeds and wild plants make up the green bridge. They grow between crops in the fallow season.
- Pests and diseases, like rusts and viruses, survive on the green bridge. They can harm crops. These include slugs, snails, mites, and aphids.
- The weeds and volunteer plants on the green bridge harbor pests and diseases between seasons.
- Controlling the green bridge prevents pests and diseases. It also conserves soil moisture and reduces weed seeds.
- Spraying weeds and crop volunteers is the most effective control method.
- Control timing should align with pest, disease, and vector life cycles.
- Coordinate control measures with your neighbours to protect the entire district.
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Region: National