Soil Biology Symposium Booklet
Soil Biology Symposium Booklet
Published: 15 May 2014
From data to decisions... how far have we come?
This booklet contains the papers presented at AgriBio-Bundoora, Melbourne on Thursday 15 May 2014.
Engaging with farmers
Geoff McLeod (Farmer, Finley, Southern NSW)
Andrew Huffer (Consultant, Huffer & Associates, community engagement)
David Wolfenden (Farmer, Rand, Southern NSW)
Allen Buckley (Farmer, Waikerie, SA)
Managing Expectations: The Microbiome in Agriculture
Theme - Monitoring soil quality for better decision making
A National Soil Quality Monitoring Framework (2010-2015) (UWA00138)
DNA Tests for nematode community analysis (DAS00111)
Molecular indicators of soil quality (UWA00142)
Monitoring soil biology with high resolution genomic technologies (DAV00102)
Theme - Suppressive soils – traits and transferability
Identification and characterisation of disease suppressive soils in the Western Region (DAW00201)
Biological Suppression of Root-lesion Nematodes in Grain-growing Soils (DAQ00164)
Suppressive soils: Can we find a microbial finger-print using 'omics' technology? (DAV00105)
A molecular approach to unravel the dynamics of disease suppressive microbial communities (CSP00135)
Theme - Management systems for enhanced nutrient availability
Manipulating biological processes that improve nitrogen supply to cereal crops: Free Living Nitrogen (FLN) fixing bacteria (CSP00138)
Harnessing the nitrogen cycle through novel solutions (UWA00139)
Managing soil biology to improve nitrogen supply in grain production systems (DAV00106)
Management of microorganisms to unlock the phosphorus bank in soil (2012-2015) (UWA 00150)
Assessing management options for enhanced soil phosphorus availability using rotations (UA00119)
Can arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi be harnessed to enhance P nutrition and grain yield in rotations? (UA00128)
Carbon Storage: Identifying drivers and key modulators in grain cropping systems (UWS00008)
Region National, North, South, West
Region: South