Western Australian Crop Sowing Guide

Western Australian Crop Sowing Guide

Published: 23 Nov 2023

Please note: a correction has been made to Table 3 of the canola section on page 108 (correct version is available from the 23/11/2023). If you downloaded the guide prior to this date, please download the updated version.

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Crop Sowing Guide for WA, which introduces 31 new variety releases: two wheat, seven barley (one as feed only and six currently under malt evaluation), 15 canola, three hay-only oat and four lentil varieties.

The Crop Sowing Guide for WA has been compiled by officers in the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. It provides information to support variety decisions for each of the major crops for the upcoming season.

In this edition, the canola NVT series are now identified by GRDC/NVT as ‘Low-Med Rainfall’ and ‘Med–High Rainfall’ to reflect the environments where the trials are located. Previously, these were the ‘Early’ and ‘Mid’ trial series, respectively. In 2021, the lupin agzones were reduced from eight agzones to six so that all varieties for each of the major crops grown in WA are evaluated using the same environmental regions.

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